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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Application of the ultrasonic doppler velocimeter for study the flow and solidification processes in an electrically conducting fluid
P. Oborin1
- I. Kolesnichenko1,2
1 Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, UB of RAS, Perm, Russia
2 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
The flow and crystallization processes in a thin layer of liquid metal are investigated. The flow in the layer is induced by an electromagnetic force. The inductor with a ferromagnetic C-core generates an alternating magnetic field in the layer. The flow makes it possible to stir the molten metal at the solidification stage. In this study, the Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimeter was used to measure the solidification front movement in a thin layer of liquid gallium. The obtained results have shown that the Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimeter can be effectively used to study the process of crystallization in liquid metals. Figs 6, Refs 8.
Magnetohydrodynamics 49, No. 1/2, 231-236, 2013 [PDF, 1.67 Mb]