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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Modelling of phase boundaries and melt flow in crucible-free silicon crystal growth using high-frequency heating

K. Surovovs - M. Plāte - J. Virbulis

Department of Physics, University of Latvia, 23 Zellu str., LV-1002, Riga, Latvia

The present work is devoted to numerical modelling of crucible-free growth of silicon crystals. Electromagnetic heating is performed by a toroidal high-frequency (up to 2.6 MHz) inductor. The method is intended to be used for the growth of small-sized (d < 20 mm) crystals for material characterization purposes. Phase boundaries were calculated in an axially symmetric approximation. The inductor is placed close to the free melt surface, thus the melt flow is strong and can significantly influence the shape of the melting interface. Therefore, an additional model considering melt flow has been developed using the OpenFOAM software library, and a more precise interface shape and its dependence on time are obtained. Parameter studies were performed to investigate the influence of frequency and pedestal height on the growth process. Tables 1, Figs 7, Refs 7.

Magnetohydrodynamics 53, No. 4, 715-722, 2017 [PDF, 0.71 Mb]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X