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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 2, 4 (1966)

General and theoretical problems


Z. Croitoru. Prospects of closed cycle magnetohydrodynamic energy conversion
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

3 1

O. N. Katskova and P. I. Chushkin. The flow of a conducting gas in a supersonic nozzle
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

11 6

M. V. Samokhin. The quasi-hydrodynamic approach to the problem of supersonic plasma flow around a magnetic dipole
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

19 11

K. E. Dzhaugashtin and B. A. Fomenko. Hysteresis effects in plane MHD flows
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

26 15

I. P. Ginzburg and L. I. Skurin. The turbulent magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer in a fluid with constant electrical conductivity
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

33 20

C. M. Apollonskii and Yu. P. Kos'kin. Boundary layers on the insulator walls of MHD energy converters
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

39 23

I. I. Shakhnov and V. T. Shcherbakov. Optimization of MHD generators
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

49 29

V. A. Kaidalov, E. I. Khanzhina and E. I. Yantovskii. Computation of MHD flows in ducts with segmented electrodes
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

55 33

A. Sh. Dorfman and N. I. Pol'skii. Flow of an electrically conducting fluid in plane ducts of arbitrary profiles
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

62 37

B. Ya. Gurevich, R. L. Miller, A. B. Tsinober and A. G. Shtern. Flow of an electrically conducting fluid over a flat plate in a perpendicular magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

69 41

G. G. Branover, A. S. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Gel'fgat and E. V. Shcherbinin. Turbulent flow in a plane perpendicular to a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

78 46

V. S. Yuferev. A parametric method for laminar boundary layer calculations in magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

85 50

A. M. Makarov, L. K. Martinson and K. B. Pavlov. Magnetohydrodynamic couette flow of viscoplastic media
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

92 54

A. P. Zambran. Capillary rise in magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

95 56

D. S. Kovner, E. Yu. Krasil'nikov and I. G. Panevin. Experimental study of the effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on convective heat transfer in a turbulent tube flow of conducting liquid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

101 60

V. A. Glukhikh and I. P. Kirillov. Experimental investigation of an asynchronous self-excited liquid metal MHD generator
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

107 64

O. A. Lielausis, E. Yu. Shekhter and Yu. N. Yaroslavskaya. Experimental study of an electromagnetic liquid-metal batcher with constant inlet pressure
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

115 69

M. A. Ermilov and O. M. Mironov. Permeance of a cylindrical permanent magnet forming the rotor of an electromagnetic induction pump
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

121 73

E. I. Yantovskii. Self-excitation of some electromechanical systems
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

126 76

B. V. Eliseev and A. D. Lobanov. Determination of mean current with allowance for induced fields
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

133 80

G. B. Serdyuk. Magnetohydrodynamic phenomena in the electric arc
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

136 82

Brief communications


V. B. Levin and I. A. Chinenkov. Experimental investigations of the turbulent flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a tube in a longitudinal magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

147 89

G. G. Branover, Yu. M. Gel'fgat and R. K. Dukure. Resistance of rough ducts to a turbulent flow in a transverse magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

148 90

V. E. Kozyrenko. On the profile of the active part of MHD generator ducts
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

150 92

Kh. E. Kalis, N. M. Slyusarev, A. B. Tsinober and A. G. Shtern. Resistance of bluff bodies at high Stewart numbers
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

152 93

V. A. Yakovlev. On the improvement of the accuracy of current recording in experimental magnetoplasmadynamic generators
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

153 94

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X