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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 3, 1 (1967)

General and theoretical problems


K. V. Brushlinskii, N. I. Gerlakh and A. I. Morozov. Computation of unsteady two-dimensional flows of a plasma of finite conductivity with allowance for the Hall effect
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

3 1

I. T. Selezov and L. V. Selezova. The flow of an ionized gas around an oscillating boundary in the presence of a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

9 5

V. S. Tkalich and E. F. Tkalich. The flow of a conducting gas around magnetized bodies
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

19 11

N. I. Akatov and G. K. Ermolaeva. The propagation of a jet of ionized gas along a wall in the presence of a transverse magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

25 14

K. S. Golovanskii, V. A. Pogosyan and O. S. Torosyan. The electrostatic polarization of a cylindrical plasma layer in an external static magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

32 18

K. S. Golovanskii and V. D. Dugar-Zhabon. Electrostatic charge structure in a pulsed plasma stream
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

39 22

P. P. Volosevich and V. S. Sokolov. Self-similar solution obtained for the expansion of a conducting gas in a medium with given axial magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

43 26

L. A. Vulis and M. K. Kusainov. A graphoanalytical method for the computation of the characteristics of MHD generators
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

47 29

N. I. Kolosnitsyn. Transition through the sonic velocity in a constant-area MHD channel
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

54 34

V. E. Kozyrenko. Calculation of steady-state three-dimensional MHD flows in rectangular and axially symmetrical ducts
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

61 38

A. I. Bertinov and D. A. But. The effect of the magnetic Reynolds number on one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

71 44

I. P. Ginzburg and L. I. Skurin. The turbulent magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer in a compressible fluid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

77 48

Yu. A. Krikun, Yu. G. Kuksa, A. E. Mikel'son, V. N. Skubitskii and Z. D. Chernyi. Radial oscillations of a conducting cylinder under the influence of a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

87 53

K. E. Dzhaugashtin. The development of the flow of a conducting fluid in a diverging channel
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

93 56

V. A. Vardanyan and R. S. Oganesyan. On the question of stabilizing a hollow jet by a uniform magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

100 60

V. F. Vasil'ev, B. G. Karasev and I. V. Lavrent'ev. Experimental investigation of a dc MHD-generator
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

105 63

Yu. A. Valuev. Method of selecting the optimal parameters of a flat linear induction pump with lateral shorting bars
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

109 66

Ya. Ya. Valdmanis and Ya. Ya. Lielpeter. Structure of the magnetic field in the working gap of a linear MHD machine for an arbitrary number of poles and a magnetic circuit of finite length
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

115 70

V. M. Krauya. Thermal conductivity of the electrode of a liquid-metal conduction pump
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

121 73

V. B. Metlin. Conduction-type MHD radial bearing
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

127 76

L. L. Tir. Modeling the thermal field in a molten smelter charge
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

135 81

G. Kh. Kirshtein and V. E. Tsirkunov. Effect of velocity distribution over channel cross section on flow rate measurements with a fluctuating-field probe
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

141 85

Yu. L. Aleksandrov. Some problems relating to the flow of a two-phase mixture through an electromagnetic pump
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

147 89

Brief communications


A. B. Tsinober and E. V. Shcherbinin. Some notes on the theory of conducting fluid jets
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

150 91

V. E. Kozyrenko. The hodograph transformation in plane problems of viscous magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

152 92

G. G. Branover, A. S. Vasil'ev and Yu. M. Gel'fgat. The flow of mercury in a transverse magnetic field in tubes with conducting and nonconducting walls
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

154 93

Letters to the editor


V. S. Dorofeev. a plane nonimmersed liquid metal jet in a transverse magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

156 95

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X