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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Mixed-type generators
A. S. Pleshanov
It is shown that the quasi-homogeneous equations of motion and energy for an electrically conducting continuous medium in external fields, taking account of the excess charge in the nonviscous and nonthermally conducting approximation, may be reduced to the usual form used in magnetohydrodynamics with proper determination of the effective magnetic field. The specific power of such a mixed-type generator can be great compared to that of an ordinary magnetohydrodynamic generator, with a considerable deviation of the medium from quasi-neutrality .The local condition for an optimal sectional mixed-type generator has been obtained. As in an ordinary magnetohydrodynamic generator, an increase in the magnetic field increases the efficiency of an optimal mixed-type generator. Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 7, No. 4, 58-62, 1971 [PDF] (in Russian)
Magnetohydrodynamics 7, No. 4, 484-487, 1971 [PDF, 0.19 Mb]