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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
A magnetic system for a magnetohydrodynamic machine ensuring a given steepness of the drop of the inductance along the axis of the channel
I. A. Dumin'
This paper proposes a form of the profile of the electrode tips of the electromagnet, ensuring a change of the component of the inductance of the magnetic field transverse to the axis of the channel of a magnetohydrodynamic machine, in accordance with the law (l−expax)−l (x is the coordinate in the longitudinal direction of the axis). In this case, a given rate of drop is ensured by an appropriate choice of the value of the coefficient a; A calculating method is expounded and a family of curves is given, making it possible to determine the profile of the tips at different values of a. The article presents the results of a verification modelling of the field in an electrolytic bath; the results show that the real dependence of the change in the inductance along the axis coincides better with the theoretical dependence the slower the drop in the curve.
Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 7, No. 4, 123-126, 1971 [PDF] (in Russian)
Magnetohydrodynamics 7, No. 4, 539-542, 1971 [PDF, 0.21 Mb]