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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 9, 4 (1973)

General and theoretical problems


L. E. Gurevich and E. D. Eidel'man. Generation of the magnetic field of a star by convection in the outer region
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

3 437

A. Gailitis. Theory of the Herzenberg dynamo
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

12 445

A. B. Tsinober. Axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic Stokes flow in a half-space
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

17 450

L. G. Genin, S. P. Manchkha and V. G. Sviridov. Effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on the statistical properties of turbulent temperature fluctuations in mercury flow in a circular pipe
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

31 462

B. M. Berkovskii and L. P. Orlov. Investigation of the shape of a free surface and an analog of the pinch effect in magnetic fluids
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

38 468

V. F. Gubarev and E. S. Paslavskii. Suppression of hydromagnetic instabilities in liquid metal by an automatically controlled magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

45 474

E. A. Kosachevskaya. Approximate solution of the equations for a conducting viscoplastic boundary layer in a transverse magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

55 482

V. M. Suyazov. Magnetohydrodynamics of a microstructural medium. The rheoelectric effect
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

59 486

E. V. Shcherbinin. Jet flows in an electric are
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

66 492

A. D. Barinberg, K. P. Donchenko and V. G. Oleinik. MHD instruments and protective, monitoring, and control equipment
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

73 498

L. K. Kovalev and S. M.-A. Koneev. Three-dimensional flows of liquid and gas in annular channels with large parameters of the MHD interaction
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

84 507

A. P. Rashchepkin. Electromagnetic processes in a plasma flowing along a rectangular channel in an external running magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

94 515

I. P. Poberezhskii and A. O. Yakhot. Calculation of the electrical field in the channel of an MHD generator with a Hall effect by the method of images of vortex-sourse combinations
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

102 522

A. I. Vol'dek, O. N. Manoilova and E. V. Tolvinskaya. Evaluation of the effect of the finite length of the cores of a linear induction machine on its longitudinal edge effect
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

111 530

I. R. Kirillov. Conductivity of the walls in longitudinal-end-effect problems in induction channels
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

117 536

Yu. A. Birzvalk, Yu. V. Bogdanov, V. Kh. Vitola, V. A. Parolya, A. V. Tananaev and A. Ya. Shishko. Evaluation of the calibration error of a conduction-type flowmeter
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

123 541

R. S. Kuznetskii and V. M. Zaslavskii. Purification of a liquid from a ferromagnetic suspension
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

130 548

Z. N. Getselev and G. I. Martynov. Calculation of the main electromagnetic parameters of an apparatus for ingot shaping during continuous casting
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

135 552

V. G. Sirotenko and N. I. Mezrntseva. Effectiveness of MHD devices in the production of mercury
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

139 555

Brief communication


A. B. Tsinober. Green's function for axisymmetric MHD Stokes flow in a half-space
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

144 559

E. A. Kosachevskaya and E. N. Tatarchenko. Conducting viscoplastic boundary layer in a transverse magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

146 562

A. B. Kapusta and I. B. Nosovitskaya. Effect of the order of rotational symmetry on the value of the moment of electromagnetic forces
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

148 564

S. V. Vasil'ev, R. A. Petrovicha and V. A. Rupenheit. Calculation of the p(Q) characteristics of a linear induction pump without lateral busbars
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

150 566

V. V. Boyarenko, V. I. Doronin and B. V. Chekin. Determination of the hydraulic resistance of the channel of an MHD separator
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

151 567



Awarding of the State prize of the USSR
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

154 570

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X