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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 11, 4 (1975)

General and theoretical problems


Yu. I. Malov, L. K. Martinson and K. B. Pavlov. Use of infinite systems for the solution of boundary-value problems in the magnetohydrodynamics of conducting media
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

3 411

L. E. Sorokin, E. L. Tarunin and M. I. Shliomis. Monotonic and oscillational convection modes of a conducting medium in a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

22 426

O. A. Glazov. Role of higher harmonics in ferrosuspension motion in a rotating magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

31 434

A. O. Tsebers. Models of the magnetization of the colloid of a ferromagnetic in a hydrodynamic flow
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

37 439

M. Ya. Antimirov. Exact solution of certain nonsteady MHD problems for an inhomogeneous external magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

45 446

G. E. Kirko. Viscous core phenomenon in axisymmetric flow at high Stewart numbers
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

49 450

A. V. Volkov. Experimental study of the influence of a magnetic field on grid-generated turbulence
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

53 453

A. P. Anufriev and S. I. Braginskii. Effect of a magnetic field on the stream of liquid rotating at a rough surface
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

62 461

V. I. Orlanov, V. P. Klochkov and V. P. Ivanov. Laser doppler anemometer study of dispersed electrohydrodynamic flows
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

69 467

A. I. Bertinov, L. K. Kovalev and V. P. Molchanovskii. Magnetic field and inductance calculations for shielded dipole-magnet systems in MHD devices
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

75 472

A. M. Samsonov. Asymptotic solution of the problem on heat exchange in an induction magnetohydrodynamic apparatus
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

84 480

Yu. M. Nikitin. Three-dimensional fringing effect in channels of magnetohydrodynamic devices with a flow of a nonuniformly conducting medium
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

89 485

Petrazhitskii. Mathematical model of a linear induction MHD machine
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

99 493

V. V. Ivanov. Transverse fringing effect in a two-channel linear induction pump
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

105 498

Ya. Ya. Valdmanis and O. A. Kukainis. Stability of a conducting strip in an alternating magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

110 502

Yu. M. Gel'fgat and L. A. Gorbunov. Resistive dissipation in a longitudinal pipe in an MHD pump with axial current supply
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

117 508

I. V. Vitkovskii, B. G. Karasev and I. V. Lavrent'ev. Calculation on MHD throttles
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

123 512

Yu. K. Krumin. An electromagnetic through operating in the continuous-delivery mode
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

127 516

L. M. Korsunskii. Characteristics of the space over which readings of conductive anemometers with a local magnetic field are averaged
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

134 521

G. Kh. Kirshtein and A. E. Timofeyev. Effect of a magnetic field nonuniform along the stream on the characteristics of electromagnetic flow-rate transducers
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

139 525

Brief communication


M. M. Maiorov, E. Ya. Blum and A. E. Malmanis. Experimental study of the hydraulics of a turbulent ferrohydrodynamic flo through a circular channel
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

143 529

L. D. Shapakidze. Stable flow of a viscous and electrically conducting liquid between two coaxial cylinders
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

145 532

Yu. B. Kolesnikov. Flow with a locally nonuniform electrical conductivity of the boundaries
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

148 535

A. I. Vol'dek and O. S. Shchukin. Possibility of attenuating the longitudinal edge effect in linear MHD induction machines by a combination of several three-phase windings with different pole pitches
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

149 536



Seminars and conferences on magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

151 538

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X