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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 12, 3 (1976)
General and theoretical problems
| | Rus. | En. |
E. Ya. Blum,
R. Ya. Ozols and
A. G. Fedin.
Magnetodiffusion in a suspension of ferromagnetic material
| |
3 |
251 |
D. E. Peterson and
E. V. Shcherbinin.
Numerical calculation of a radial flow between planes in a magnetic field with a different orientation
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8 |
255 |
A. I. Khozhainov and
S. E. Kuznetsov.
Rotation of a cylinder in a conducting fluid in a radial magnetic field
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13 |
260 |
Yu. I. Nemirovskii and
Ya. L. Kheiloo.
Averaged characteristics of the motion of a turbulent electrically conducting fluid in a plane channel with external homogeneous electric and magnetic fields
| |
19 |
265 |
A. D. Votsish and
Yu. B. Kolesnikov.
Spatial correlation and vorticity in two-dimensional homogeneous turbulence
| |
25 |
271 |
G. E. Kirko.
Separation effects in a jet flowing through a solenoid
| |
29 |
275 |
B. B. Volchek and
A. I. El'kin.
Stationary flows in a coaxial channel in a traveling magnetic field
| |
34 |
280 |
G. M. Oreper.
Motion of an electrically conducting fluid about a drop under the influence of an electromagnetic field
| |
39 |
284 |
V. L. Rvachev and
T. I. Sheiko.
Theory of electric fields in MHD flows in channel with compicated shapes
| |
43 |
288 |
G. E. Kronkalns and
E. Ya. Blum.
Natural MHD convection at a horizontal cylinder in metal-ammonia solutions
| |
50 |
294 |
E. I. Yantovskii and
M. S. Apfel'baum.
Stream flows of dielectric fluid from a high-voltage electrode
| |
55 |
298 |
L. P. Poberezhnii.
Calculation of electric fields for some two-dimensionally and three-dimensionally nonuniform distributions of conductivity
| |
59 |
302 |
Engineering problems
| | Rus. | En. |
P. N. Tsylev,
F. K. Mustafin and
A. D. Korotaev.
Motion of a conducting body in the stationary field of a linear MHD induction machine
| |
67 |
310 |
A. I. Kozlov.
Electromagnetic processes in secondary medium of a cylindrical linear-helical pump
| |
75 |
318 |
V. P. Bocheninskii,
Yu. B. Emelin,
E. M. Kirisik,
A. V. Tananaev and
Yu. P. Ushakov.
Experimental study of the energy characteristics and flow of a liquid metal in a linear induction MHD pump. I
| |
83 |
325 |
A. T. Dolgosheev.
Approximate calculation of the field in the magnetic circuit of an MHD device
| |
87 |
328 |
S. M. Apollonskii.
Dipole representation of the external magnetic field of an MHD induction pump
| |
92 |
333 |
V. F. Vasil'ev.
Experimental study concerning the magnetic field of an MHD dc conduction machine
| |
96 |
337 |
I. L. Povkh,
B. V. Chekin and
V. V. Boyarenko.
Simulation of pig-iron recovery from liquid blast-furnace slag by the electromagnetic process
| |
102 |
343 |
Yu. M. Gel'fgat and
M. Z. Sorkin.
Dynamics of the rise og gas voids in a liquid metal under the influence of electromagnetic forces
| |
107 |
347 |
A. F. Kolesnichenko,
N. M. Voropai and
V. Ya. Lavrishchev.
Magnetic pressure in arcs with welding in protective gases
| |
113 |
352 |
M. Yu. Abritska,
V. Kh. Vitola,
Ya. Kh. Karklin',
A. E. Mikel'son,
V. N. Moshnyaga and
S. I. Semin.
Control of structure of crystallizing metals by a constant magnetic field
| |
119 |
358 |
V. V. Vlasov,
A. A. Denisov and
V. S. Nagornyi.
Stages of the distribution of the feed flow in an electrohydrodynamic vortical converter
| |
125 |
363 |
I. D. Vel't,
E. G. Zvenigorodskii,
Yu. V. Mikhailova and
L. E. Sokolova.
A spill-less method for the experimental investigation of electromagnetic flowmeters
| |
131 |
369 |
Brief communications
| | Rus. | En. |
G. P. Bogatyrev and
G. F. Shaidurov.
Convective stability of a horizontal layer of ferromagnetic liquid in a homogeneous magnetic field
| |
137 |
374 |
A. L. Tseskis.
Dynamics of transition to two-dimensional turbulence
| |
139 |
376 |
A. D. Votsish and
Yu. B. Kolesnikov.
Transition from three- to two-dimensional turbulence in a magnetic field
| |
141 |
378 |
G. A. Vitkov.
Dissolution of metallic spheres in an electrical field
| |
142 |
380 |
V. S. Nikol'skii,
N. A. Ageeva,
N. E. Kissil' and
A. V. Markov.
Investigation of the structure of a semicontinuous ingot, cast using electromagnetic rotation
| |
143 |
381 |
| | Rus. | En. |
G. E. Kirko.
The work of the Perm' seminar on Applied magnetic hydrodynamics
| |
147 |
385 |