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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 15, 3 (1979)

General and theoretical problems


A. A. Aleksandrova and N. A. Khizhnyak. Integral equations of magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

3 233

N. A. Britov. Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows in strong magnetic fields
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

10 238

A. M. Lifshits and V. N. Shtern. Monoharmonic analysis of the nonlinear stability of Hartmann flow
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

17 243

S. I. Martynov and N. G. Taktarov. Stability of a jet of magnetizable liquid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

23 248

B. M. Berkovskii, V. G. Bashtovoi and M. S. Krakov. Stationary waves at the surface of a magnetizable liquid in a stream impinging on a point barrier
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

28 252

V. M. Polunin. A ferromagnetic suspension serving as a liquid magnet
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

33 256

G. M. Oreper. Numerical analysis of the hydrodynamics and the mass transfer involving a sphere in a current-carrying liquid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

38 260

E. Ya. Blum and G. E. Kronkalns. Free convection heat transfer on a magnetic cylinder in a uniform magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

43 264

A. S. Glazkov, Yu. N. Denisov and V. S. Kirilkin. Rotation of an electrically conducting medium at the exit from a coaxial MHD channel
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

49 269

N. A. Barkhatov and P. A. Bespalov. Magnetohydrodynamic vibrations of a toroidal plasma configuration with a special distribution of physical parameters
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

54 273

G. Grinberg. Equivalent circuit diagram for approximate design of a homogeneous MHD dynamo
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

59 277

A. S. Vasil'ev. Role of the geomagnetic field in the orientation of fish
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

65 282

Yu. O. Mikhalev, D. V. Orlov and Yu. I. Stradomskii. Ferrofluid seals
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

69 285

A. B. Kapusta, A. F. Zibol'd and L. R. Reimal. Effect of nonuniformity of the pressure field on the flow of a liquid trough a helical channel of an MHD-induction pump
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

77 291

S. M. Apollonskii. Calculation of a low-frequency electromagnetic field due to MHD machines inside a common shielding shell
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

83 296

L. M. Dronnik, S. Yu. Reutskii and A. I. El'kin. Simultaneous calculation of the transverse and longitudinal fringe effects in the channel of a plane induction-type MHD pump
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

87 300

S. I. Semin. Current density distribution in a rectangular liquid-metal pool with end electrodes
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

94 306

S. E. Kuznetsov and V. I. Andreev. MHD generator of the conduction type with reciprocal motion of the composite working element
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

97 308

M. Yu. Abritska, A. E. Mikel'son, V. N. Moshnyaga, Yu. V. Chernov and A. I. Shcherbakov. Effect of constant magnetic fields on the motion of liquid metal during vacuum-arc smelting
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

105 315

R. D. Smolkin, A. B. Solodenko, V. N. Gubarevich, O. P. Saiko and E. V. Gulyaikhin. Development of industrial MHD separator
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

111 320

S. A. Gamzaeva, S. E. Dvorchik, E. L. Zaremba and V. G. Rykov. Requirements to be met by magnet systems of magnetostatic separators
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

115 323

V. P. Kornilov and N. I. Loginov. Electromagnetic velocity transducer with a multipole magnet
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

120 328

V. P. Kornilov, N. I. Loginov and L. L. Snezhko. End effects in a flow-rate transducer with a cylindrical magnet
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

125 332

Brief communications


V. I. Drozdova, T. V. Skrobotova and V. V. Chekanov. Ejecting force which acts in a nonuniform magnetic field on nonmagnetic bodies immersed in a ferromagnetic liquid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

128 335

V. M. Polunin and A. I. Shchetnikov. Comparative study of the residual magnetization of a ferromagnetic suspension
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

130 337

V. I. Legeida. Streamline flow round an array of profiles in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the flow
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

133 340

N. A. Britov. Flow between porous rotating cylinders in a radial magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

135 342

A. G. Bershadskii and A. B. Kapusta. Perturbation theory for investigating the stability of periodic MHD oscillations
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

138 345

G. P. Bazarov, E. N. Kufa and S. A. Medin. Determination of the geometry of the transition region of a series MHD generator
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

140 347

V. E. Skobelev and I. I. Tal'ya. Investigation of the magnetic fluxes in the yoke of a linear induction machine
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

142 350

A. A. Ivanov, M. Yu. Kanevskii, G. G. Krushenko and V. P. Shuteev. Electromagnetic excitation of oscillations in a crystallizing bar
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

145 353



Y. B. Kolesnikov. Fifth All-Union School on Models of the mechanics of a continuous medium
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

147 355

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X