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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
A semi-empirical model of hydrodynamical processes in a bath of an aluminium reduction cell
S. Yu. Khripchenko
- M. E. Mann
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, 614000 Perm, Russia
A mathematical model of hydrodynamical processes in the aluminium and electrolyte layers in a bath of an aluminium reduction cell has been proposed using the simplest semiempirical model of turbulent flow in a thin layer. Laboratory experiments have confirmed its applicability to calculation of turbulent flows in a closed flat cavity. The critical values of the gap between magnetic poles at different values of the working current for an industrial reduction cell C-160 have been found using the above mathematical model. A qualitative agreement with experimental data obtained at the institute BAMI has been established. It has been shown that for the stabilization of the metalelectrolyte boundary it is sufficient to reduce the electrolyte density or to increase its viscosity. Figs 7, refs 16. Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 28, No. 1, 87-95, 1992 [PDF, 0.49 Mb] (in Russian)
Magnetohydrodynamics 28, No. 1, 77-84, 1992 [PDF, 0.49 Mb]