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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
A theoretical study of steady film flows in a coplanar magnetic field
A. Ya. Shishko
A solution describing local and integral characteristics of a steady film MHD flow in a trough with conducting side and bottom walls has been found using the variational Galerkin-Kontorovich method it has been shown that the effect of a uniform magnetic field parallel to the bottom of the trough manifests itself in several specific MHD phenomena which change drasfically the flow characteristics. The magnetic field effect is most pronounced if the side walls are conducting. In this case, we were able to determine critical values of the flowrate and the Hartmann number; when the latter are reached, there occur abrupt (and sometimes even jump-like) changes of the integrai and local characteristics of the steady flow. Figs 13. refs 9. Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 28, No. 2, 75-89, 1992 [PDF, 0.61 Mb] (in Russian)
Magnetohydrodynamics 28, No. 2, 170-181, 1992 [PDF, 0.59 Mb]