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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Sensitivity of heat transfer by an electrically induced vortical flow to boundary conditions

V. Kh. Vlasyuk

Main characteristics and laws governing the heat transfer in a cylindrical vessel filled with mercury and having a complicated two-layer outer boundary have been derived. Sensitivity of these characteristics and laws to the numerical values and type of heat boundary conditions as well as to the computing methods has been studied. We have suggested possible heat transfer computation methods for a wider range of parameters. Figs 3, refs 2.

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 28, No. 4, 83-88, 1992 [PDF, 0.33 Mb] (in Russian)
Magnetohydrodynamics 28, No. 4, 393-397, 1992 [PDF, 0.29 Mb]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X