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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Prediction of flow velocities in linear stirring in continuous casting of blooms

J. Partinen1 - K. Terho2 - L. Holappa1

1 Helsinki University of Tech., Dep. of Mat. Sci. and Rock Eng., Lab. of Metallurgy, Finland
2 Imarta Steel OyAb, Development Center, Imarta

The goal of the study was to find the effect of the stirring parameters on the flow field in the remaining melt within the solidifying bloom. Flow velocities in linear stirring of continuous cast blooms were calculated using a commercial computa-tional fluid dynamics package. To take the electromagnetic force into account a user subroutine was added to code. Flow velocities were calculated varying the casting power. With the help or the results of the computations and industrial trials proper placement and driving practice of the stirrer were found. Figs 6, refs 15.

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Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X