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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
A. Alemany1
- O. Lielausis2
- J.-P. Chopart3
1 Chairman
2 Co-Chairman
3 Scientific secretary
<p> PAMIR 2002 was organized in Ramatuelle, France, on September 16-20, 2002. The conference was attended by scientists working in various fields of magnetohydrodynamics and in this view has played an important role in the exchanges of ideas, promoting new scientific collaborations. The conference has managed about 160 oral and poster presentations regrouped in the form of specific topics. The audience of the conference has extended compared with PAMIR 2000 by considering that about 190 scientists, representing 22 countries, attended the Ramatuelle site. </p> <p> All scientific aspects of the liquid MHD were represented including: </p> <p> 1. Fundamental MHD enclosed all aspects of the MHD flows under various conditions of the magnetic Reynolds number. Problems involving steady, alternating or travelling magnetic field as well as the stability problems were considered. The specific problem of strong magnetic fields was also considered in this session. </p> <p> 2. Mettalurgical application of MHD. The communications have analyzed the possibilities offered by the magnetic fields in metallurgy to increase the quality of the product. The problems of interface stabilities, which control various industrial applications, have been also considered in this session as well as the transport of liquid metals by electromagnetic pumps. Some applications in electromagnetic filtration have been also reported. </p> <p> 3. Magnetoelectrolysis (poorly conducting fluids). The possibility to control the mass transfer phenomena in electrochemical systems by using the action of a magnetic field is one of the most promising and new applications of electromagnetism in Europe. The field of magnetoelectrolysis is extremely wide and provides, only for electrodeposition, the possibility to improve the quality, the structure, and to control the homogeneity and the rate of the deposit. Some particular applications for electrodeposition of magnetic materials have been also presented. </p> <p> 4. Magnetic fluids. This topic was announced for the second time in the conference program after its first presentation at PAMIR 2000. All aspects of the topic were presented, including applications for microelectronics and new possibilities in power engineering regarding the thermodynamic machine to produce electricity. </p> <p> 5. Cristal growth. The magnetic fields are used here to stabilize the interfaces between the crystal and the solution allowing to improve the quality of the crystals as well as to grow large-size single crystals. Various configurations with various types of magnetic fields (DC, AC or travelling, etc.) were reported. </p> <p> 6. Dynamo effect. The last day of the conference was devoted to the dynamo effect. This was a very important session, characterizing a very high level of activity in the European countries, especially in the domain of experiment. All the existing experiments in this field, using sodium as a liquid metal, with extremely important results for some of them considering the self-generation of magnetic fields, were examined. The next generation of dynamo experiments was also discussed, involving the papers devoted to the theoretical approach including turbulence. </p> <p> The conference was combined with the management committee of COST (COST P6 Magnetodynamics of Liquids) and with a meeting of the COST P6 working groups. They were devoted to metallurgical applications of MHD (person-in-charge -- Prof. B.\,Nacke from Hannover, Germany), poorly conducting fluid (person-in-charge -- Dr. G.Ġerbeth from Dresden, Germany) and fundamental MHD (person-in-charge -- Dr. J.\,Leorat from Paris, France). </p> <p> Additionally, a special meeting dedicated the Ampere program was organized to consider the second generation of dynamo experiments in Riga (Latvia), capable to reproduce the main mechanisms of the earth dynamo (reversion of polarity, for example). In this experiment, the Coriolis and Laplace forces will be combined. The proposed facility consists of a spherical container of 2 m in diameter, filled with liquid sodium and mounted on a rotating table. Therefore, Riga has a vocation to become a European center for the MHD studies at high magnetic Reynolds numbers. This project is a part of the construction of a scientific and technologic park in Riga, with the Ampere program being presented as an incubator of the project. A consensus about the program from different European partners interested in experimental dynamo has been achieved. </p> <p> The audience at the conference is extremely important, and new countries have participated for the first time, for example, China and some countries from North Africa. Magnetohydrodynamics moves forward in Europe. The vitality of MHD has been demonstrated from the diversity of the topics reported at PAMIR 2002. A new PAMIR conference will be organized in 2005. </p>
Magnetohydrodynamics 39, No. 3, 227-228, 2003 [PDF, 29.7 Kb]