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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Modeling velocity pulsations in a turbulent recirculated melt flow
M. Kirpo1
- A. Jakoviċs1
- E. Baake2
- B. Nacke2
1 Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia, 8 Zeļļu Str., Rīga, LV-1002, Latvia
2 Institut für Elektrothermische Prozesstechnik, Universität Hannover, 4 Wilhelm-Busch-Str., 30167 Hannover, Germany
Turbulent recirculated flows are well known in research and industrial applications of induction furnaces and stirrers. These flows are determined by the electromagnetic Lorentz forces and usually have characteristic pulsations of velocity components, which dominate at the heat and mass exchange in the melt, especially in a zone between typical upper and lower eddies. The authors describe the results of k-ε and large eddy simulation (LES) modeling of the Wood metal flow in a cylindrical crucible for several different models. The results are compared with the experimental data. Tables 2, Figs 11, Refs 11.
Magnetohydrodynamics 42, No. 2/3, 207-218, 2006 [PDF, 0.81 Mb]