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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579


A. Alemany1 - C. Latge2 - J.- P. Chopart2 - J. Freiberg2

1 Chairmen of 7th PAMIR International Conference
2 Co-chairmen 7th PAMIR International Conference

The year 2011 is the 20th anniversary of the International Conference PAMIR, which first had taken place in the CEA (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique) guesthouse of Cadarache in 1991. It had been the first time that the MHD community of the scientists from Latvia reached a European country after their independence. The cycle of eight PAMIR conferences has contributed to the evolution of magnetic sciences by promoting several research fields as, for example, the new activity coupling the magnetic field with electrochemistry (magnetoelectrolysis), which was proposed for the first time as a topic at PAMIR 1997 organised at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) centre in Aussois. Presently, this scientific field has become one of the most studied by the magnetic sciences community. Considering the particular interest of the CEA, one of the full sessions of PAMIR 2011 was devoted to the Liquid Metal Technology, particularly important for the development of both the ITER project of the fusion reactors and the new concepts of the fast breeder reactors regrouped under generation 4. These aspects were emphasized by Madame Catherine Cesarsky, High Commissary of the CEA, in her speech at the opening ceremony, for which the conference chairmen would like to express their gratitude. PAMIR has also contributed to fruitful discussions between scientists promoting several collaborations. Some countries have established contacts with the magnetic sciences through these conferences. The 2011 edition of PAMIR was integrated in the activity of the GDRE GAMAS, the Group for the Application of Magnetic Sciences created by the CNRS, which involves seven European countries. The GDRE has proposed also, in parallel with the conference, a summer school to promote different domains connected with magnetic fields. To conclude, the organisers would like to thank the persons who assist in organizing the PAMIR conferences and, in particular, the scientists who attend regularly different editions of this event. We hope that the evolution of PAMIR will be assured in the future by the pursuit of the collaboration with the CNRS, CEA and IPUL.

Magnetohydrodynamics 48, No. 1, 3-4, 2012 [PDF, 0.24 Mb]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X