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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Specific features of liquid metal heat transfer in a TOKAMAK reactor
I. A. Belyaev1
- L. G. Genin1
- Ya. I. Listratov1
- I. A. Melnikov1
- V. G. Sviridov1
- E. V. Sviridov1
- Yu. P. Ivochkin2
- N. G. Razuvanov2
- Yu. S. Shpansky3
1 Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), Moscow, Russia
2 Joint Institute of High Temperatures Russian Academy of Science (JIHT RAS), Moscow, Russia
3 National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
Complex experimental study and numerical simulation of liquid metal flow and heat transfer in various configurations affected by longitudinal or transverse magnetic fields under conditions close to the tokamak reactor have been performed. A specific feature of the heat transfer under these conditions is the combined exposure of a strong magnetic field and thermogravitational forces, which manifests itself in previously unknown effects. Among these effects are the existence, in some modes, of MHD heat transfer areas of ``degraded'' heat transfer, the extremely uneven distribution of heat transfer coefficients along the perimeter of the tube and abnormally high temperature fluctuations near the wall. These phenomena including negative ones should be considered in the further designs. Tables 1, Figs 18, Refs 14.
Magnetohydrodynamics 49, No. 1/2, 177-190, 2013 [PDF, 3.18 Mb]