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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
On spontaneous swirling of MHD flows of Hill--Shafranov vortex type
M. S. Kotel'nikova
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, 15 Lavrentyev pr., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
The problem of spontaneous swirling was first formulated as follows: can a rotationally symmetric flow occur in the absence of obvious external sources of rotation, i.e. under conditions, where axisymmetric irrotational motion is possible {\it a priori}? In this work, the nonlinear evolution of axisymmetric perturbations of a viscous MHD flow, namely, the Hill--Shafranov vortex, is addressed by direct numerical simulation. Axisymmetric azimuthal perturbations of the velocity field are considered as the initial perturbation. Three flow regimes are found: (1) linear growth; (2) decay of perturbation energy; (3) secondary energy growth. The region of instability is determined as a function of the Reynolds number and magnetization. Figs 2, Refs 5.
Magnetohydrodynamics 49, No. 1/2, 43-48, 2013 [PDF, 0.28 Mb]