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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
R. P. Pant
CSIR-NPL, New Delhi
The magnetic fluids are quite interesting and technologically contemporary materials. It is a multidisciplinary field and encompasses nearly all branches of science. In order to enhance active interaction, exchange of ideas and collaboration amongst the researcher in the field, the international conference on magnetic fluids has been organized every three years since 1977 in different parts of the world. The 13th International Conference on Magnetic fluids (ICMF-13) organized by CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India is a follow up series of meetings. During ICMF-13, a total 236 papers that includes 5 plenary talks, 20 invited speakers, four young scientists, 38 oral presenters and 169 poster presentations. To encourage young and talented researchers in the area of magnetic fluids, we have introduced 4 young scientist awards. The young scientists were selected based on a rigorous peer reviewing process by various eminent experts across the world. This special issue of Magnetohydrodynamics journal contains sixty-five peer reviewed papers presented during ICMF-13 held at CSIR-NPL, Delhi during 7--11 January 2013. It features the latest research findings and applications of magnetic fluids regarding their chemical, physical, and magnetic properties, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer and surface phenomena. The selection of papers in this issue have been categories in the subsection like design and preparation, synthesis and characterization, heat and mass transfer, physics of magnetic fluids, complex fluid and soft magnetic matter, free surface phenomena and applications. A separate section is devoted for the ICMF-13 young scientist awardees paper. We are indebted to the reviewers for their critical comments and valuable remarks. We hope that the selection of papers in this issue will reflect the scientific advancement in the field of magnetic fluids. The organizing committee of ICMF13 is grateful to the International Steering Committee (ISC) and the Scientific organizing Committee of CMF-13 for substantial help during the organization of conference. Furthermore, we are grateful to various sponsors and funding agencies namely CSIR, DST, DRDO, ONGC, DAE, ICMR, CHARUSAT, ISMFR, FerroTech, ICTP for their generous support to make this event a success. Yet again, we are pleased to intimate that ISC on magnetic fluids decides that the 14th ICMF will be held at Ekaterinburg, Russia in 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Alexey Ivanov. We are sure that the new milestones achieved during the period will be presented in ICMF-14. Further, we are quite optimistic that further active interactions during coming years will stimulate new ideas and subsequent discussions in the next meeting.
Magnetohydrodynamics 49, No. 3/4, 257-258, 2013 [PDF, 2.53 Mb]