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PREFACEBernard Nacke - Egbert Baake Institute of Electrotechnology, Leibniz Universität Hannover Abstract The 7th International Scientific Colloquium ``Modelling for Electromagnetic Processingâ (MEP 2014) took place in Hannover on 16--19 September, 2014. The first colloquium of this traditional series had taken place in 1999 in Riga. All colloquia were organised by the Institute of Electrotechnology, Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany) and the Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia what continues a long tradition (since 1988) of scientific cooperation in the field of electrothermal process modelling between researchers, physicists and engineers of the two universities. During the MEP 2014 colloquium, a wide range of mathematical modelling applications for industrial electromagnetic processing of materials was presented including -- induction melting -- magnetohydrodynamic -- crystal growth technologies -- induction heating -- induction heat treatment -- microwave heating -- material processing. More than 100 attendants, coming from 16 countries, have completely met the expectations of the hosts. Along with participation from research institutions, also a significant part of the participants came from industry. The 77 contributions were divided between 46 oral presentations and 31 posters. The two invited presentations have shown the already great use of numerical modelling in the industrial practice. The most representative reports in the field of MHD have been selected to be published in the form of a Special Issue of the international journal MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS. The selected reports demonstrate that the complexity of MHD problems still needs high sophisticated numerical models for the simulation of turbulent heat and mass exchange in liquid melt flows in order to optimize the MHD processes. Most reports are related to MHD problems in induction technologies for melting of metals, stirring, casting and levitation of metals, crystallization of alloys and single crystals under electromagnetic impact. Anyway, numerical modelling, in general, and the development of multiphysical models, in particular, are important for the analysis, design and optimization of MHD problems. Magnetohydrodynamics 51, No. 1, 3-4, 2015 [PDF, 28.7 Kb] |
Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X
DOI: http://doi.org/10.22364/mhd