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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Experimental study of the properties of autowave sources (reverberators) in the magnetic fluid near-electrode layer using reflected light interference
N. V. Kandaurova1
- V. V. Chekanov2
- V. S. Chekanov1
1 Moscow Technological University (MIREA, Stavropol branch), 18 Kulakova pr., 355029 Stavropol, Russia
2 North-Caucasian Federal University, 1 Pushkin str., Stavropol, Russia
Excitation waves are one of the main mechanisms of signal transmission in living organisms. Excitation waves in chemical, mechanical, social environments are well-known. The spreading of waves in an excitable medium differs from the spreading of mechanical and electromagnetic waves. The excitable medium has a special ability to accumulate energy in individual elements and then to exchange it (by transmitting the excitation pulse) from one element to another. One of the main properties of the excitable medium is the possibility to recover after the wave passage. This makes possible the appearance of the so-called autowave processes (AWP) which are similar to self-oscillatory processes in concentrated systems. The study of such processes is important for understanding active media of very diverse nature: biological, physical, chemical. Figs 3, Refs 7.
Magnetohydrodynamics 53, No. 3, 495-500, 2017 [PDF, 0.36 Mb]