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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Physical modelling of 3D melt mixing for electrometallurgical aggregates
A. Chudnovsky
Private Research Company BIS Global e-Mail: alexchud@inbox.lv
A review of various melt mixing systems that are used in electrometallurgical aggregates is presented. In such aggregates, an electrical current passes through a bath with molten metal (slag, flux, salt), interacts with its self magnetic field and generates electrovortex flows in the melt. Melt flow patterns are determined by the number, position and shape of electrodes (or electrical arcs), by the depth of electrode submerge and by the size and geometry of the melt bath. In an axisymmetric bath, the flow pattern is a toroidal vortex. With several electrodes, a number of such vortices and 3D interactions among them occur. Various non-linear effects of the vortex interactions take place in the melt. Physical modelling is proposed to be applied as a key method for the investigation of flow patterns and interactions. Results allow to effectively describe both the mixing in industrial aggregates and the basic non-linear hydrodynamic patterns in stirring processes. Figs 12, Refs 14.
Magnetohydrodynamics 53, No. 4, 747-758, 2017 [PDF, 1.10 Mb]