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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Some features of the magnetization of thin layers of magnetic fluids with magnetized aggregates in magnetic and electric fields
D. V. Gladkikh
- Yu. I. Dikansky
- A. G. Ispiryan
North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol 355009, Russia
The paper presents results of the investigation of magnetization features of thin layers of differently based magnetic colloids with a well-developed system of magnetized aggregates, exposed to magnetic and electric fields. It has been found that the magnetization processes of volumetric samples and of thin layers differ. For thin layers of the investigated magnetic fluid, a dependence of the magnetization relaxation time on the layer thickness and also on the mutual orientation of the layer plane and external constant magnetic field is found. It is shown that an alternating electric field also affects the magnetic properties of a thin layer of magnetic colloid with magnetized aggregates. Figs 5, Refs 11.
Magnetohydrodynamics 54, No. 1/2, 15-22, 2018 [PDF, 0.62 Mb]