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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Spectral/hp element MHD solver
A. V. Proskurin1
- A. M. Sagalakov2
1 Altai State Technical University, 46 Lenin pr., Barnaul 656038, Russian Federation
2 Altai State University, 61 Lenin pr., Barnaul 656049, Russian Federation
A new MHD solver based on the Nektar++ spectral/hp element framework is presented in the paper. A velocity and electric potential quasi-static MHD model is used. The Hartmann flow in a plane duct and its stability, the Hartmann flow in a rectangular duct, and the stability of Hunt's flow are studied as examples. Exponential convergence is achieved and resulting numerical values have been found to have an accuracy up to 10−12 for state flows compared to an exact solution, and to 10−5 for stability eigenvalues compared to independent numerical results. Tables 4, Figs 8, Refs 16.
Magnetohydrodynamics 54, No. 4, 361-372, 2018 [PDF, 0.41 Mb]