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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Electromagnetic separation: concentration measurements
G. Losev
- A. Mamykin
- I. Kolesnichenko
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS, Perm, Russia 1 Ak. Korolev str., Perm 614013, Russia
This paper focuses on an experimental study of the flow of an aqueous potassium alkali solution in a vertical plane layer subjected to electromagnetic force. Research is motivated by the need to investigate the problem of separation of weakly-conducting particles from highly conducting media. The electromagnetic force arises due to the interaction between the electric current applied to the solution and the external magnetic field. The influence of the electromagnetic force allows one to localize low-conductive particles and to remove them from the main flow. Particle concentration measurement technique has been developed and its efficiency verified. Results of ultrasonic measurement are in good agreement with those obtained by optical methods. Figs 4, Refs 13.
Magnetohydrodynamics 55, No. 1/2, 89-96, 2019 [PDF, 1.77 Mb]