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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Lifting of magnetic and non-magnetic fluids along a magnetizable body in a uniform magnetic field

D. Pelevina - D. Merkulov - V. Turkov - V. Naletova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119991, Russia

Deformations of a variable volume of magnetic fluid around a spherical body with a magnetizable material exposed to a uniform applied magnetic field are studied experimentally and theoretically. The possibility to develop a device for dosing fluids using the lifting of the magnetic fluid surface along a ferromagnetic body in a uniform magnetic field is shown. Figs 6, Refs 9.

Magnetohydrodynamics 55, No. 1/2, 161-166, 2019 [PDF, 0.39 Mb]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X