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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
On diagnostics of plasma cylindrical density by wave diffracted field
I. T. Selezov
Institute of Hydromechanics, Ukrainian NAS, 8/4 Zhelyabov str., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
The ill-posed problem for plasma inhomogeneity which is irradiated by an external electromagnetic field and diagnosed by a reflected diffraction field is considered. An analytical solution of this ill-posed problem for cylindrical plasma is constructed based on generalization of the solutions for spherical plasma. Such ill-posed problem of mathematical physics is investigated, starting from a general system of equations for plasma characterized by numerous interactions. The plasma is considered in a cylindrical coordinate system with the density of electrons in the center. After a series of assumptions, the problem is reduced to solving a second-order equation for the third component of the potential. It is shown that this potential enters into the Schrödinger equation and after cumbersome analysis the potential is determined. Refs 14.
Magnetohydrodynamics 55, No. 4, 389-396, 2019 [PDF, 0.11 Mb]