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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Distribution of diamagnetic Cu, ferromagnetic Fe and paramagnetic Ti in Al-based alloy solidified in constant magnetic field
E. V. Seredenko
- V. I. Dubodelov
- V. A. Seredenko
Department of Magnetic Hydrodynamics, Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 34/1 Academician Vernadsky ave., Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
The constant magnetic field is an effective tool of influence during alloy crystallization, distribution of components and properties of alloys, including aluminum ones. The field with the flux density B < 1 T is especially promising, since its creation does not require much energy and costs. Application of the magnetic field is hampered due to its complex effect on the alloys' structure, the mechanism of which is not completely studied. A constant magnetic field with B = 0.25 T redistributes additional components with different magnetic characteristics in the alloy with a paramagnetic base (Al). Its action is the most significant in increasing the diamagnetic additive (Cu) content in the grain (which brings its amount in the cast alloy closer to the heat-treated metal), the ferromagnetic one (Fe) at the periphery of grains (which increases grain alloying) and the paramagnetic addition (Ti) in the center of the grain (which enhances the effect of the modifier). It has been found that the constant magnetic field reduces the dendritic liquation of copper. Decreasing the concentration of Cu, along with increasing Ti content in the volume of several grains, reduces the depth of the alloy intergranular corrosion. Figs 5, Refs 4.
Magnetohydrodynamics 56, No. 2/3, 317-324, 2020 [PDF, 0.64 Mb]