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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Velocity profiles of ferrofluids in a cylindrical container and in the presence of external rotating magnetic fields of high strength and frequency
C. Jimenez1, 2
- H. Vargas1, 2
- R. Correa1, 2
1 Escuela de Ingenierias Electrica, Electronica y de Telecomunicaciones
2 Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia
This article presents results of numerical simulations that describe the velocity profiles of the continuous circular motion of a ferrofluid in a cylindrical vessel generated by the presence of an external magnetic and rotating field of high strength and frequency. The partitioned solution of the ferrohydrodynamic equations was derived by the means of finite differences separately or the hydrodynamic problem and for the magnetic one. The results obtained show the saturation of velocity profiles from a particular value of the magnetic field strength, depending on the characteristics of ferrofluid samples. Potentially these results can be applied for the development of numerical tools related to the transportation processes of materials with intrinsic or created magnetic properties and in the presence of high strength rotating magnetic fields, where the Langevin parameter is much greater than unity. Figs 12, Refs 47.
Magnetohydrodynamics 56, No. 4, 341-368, 2020 [PDF, 1.20 Mb]