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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Supplementary material for CFD simulation of copper magnetoelectrolysis cell in the presence of parallel and antiparallel Lorentz forces

M. Najminoori1 - A. Mohebbi2

1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Iran
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

Supplementary material note. Ion parameters and approximate calculation of the terms of Eq. (7) (Table S-1). Contour plots of the velocity field during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-1). Contour plots of the concentration variation ∆c during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-2). Profiles of the vertical velocity component for 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-3). Concentration variation ∆c near the cathode for 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-4). Vertical concentration variation profiles parallel to the electrodes at different distances from the cathode in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-5). Contour plot of the velocity field during copper magnetoelectrolysis in the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-6). Contour plot of the concentration variation ∆c during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-7). Profile of the vertical velocity component for the electric current 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-8). Concentration variation ∆c near the cathode for the electric current 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-9). Vertical concentration variation profile parallel to the electrodes at different distances from the cathode for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-10). Tables 1, Figs 10.

Magnetohydrodynamics 59, No. 2, 165-172, 2023 [PDF, 3.50 Mb]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X