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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Author Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ b c k n z

G. M. Gekht

  • B. B. Volchek, G. M. Gekht, V. A. Golodnyak and S. E. Dvorchik, Analysis of an ac conduction pump with inductive compensation of wattless power, Vol. 28, No. 4, 101-106, 1992; English translation: An AC conduction pump with inductive reactive-power compensation, Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 28, No. 4, 408-413, 1992 [Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and V. I. Morozova, The flow of an electrically conducting fluid in crossed constant and variable magnetic fields, Vol. 25, No. 2, 143-145, 1989; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 25, No. 2, 272-274, 1989 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and V. I. Morozova, Longitudinal flow of an electrically conducting fluid around a periodic system of tubes in a lateral magnetic field, Vol. 24, No. 4, 97-100, 1988; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 24, No. 4, 480-482, 1988 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and A. I. El'kin, Flow of an electrically conducting liquid trough a periodic pipe system, Vol. 19, No. 2, 88-90, 1983; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 19, No. 2, 190-192, 1983 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach, Comparison of theoretical and experimental pump performance of liquid-metal AC conduction machine with segmental electrodes, Vol. 19, No. 1, 97-102, 1983; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 79-83, 1983 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach, Eddy losses in a direct-current conduction-type pump with finite sectionlization, Vol. 16, No. 2, 123-126, 1980; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 16, No. 2, 209-211, 1980 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht, L. M. Dronnik and I. M. Tolmach, Analysis of electromechanical processes in an inductive MHD machine, Vol. 15, No. 4, 73-80, 1979; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 15, No. 4, 420-426, 1979 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach, Direct-current conduction-type pump with ideally sectionalized electrodes, Vol. 14, No. 4, 117-124, 1978; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 14, No. 4, 487-492, 1978 [PDF] [PDF]

  • B. B. Volchek, G. M. Gekht, I. M. Tolmach and A. I. El'kin, Stationary flows in coaxial channel of MHD induction pump caused by hydrodynamic instability, Vol. 12, No. 2, 62-70, 1976; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 178-184, 1976 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach, Transitional processes in a cylindrical induction pump fed from a separate synchronous generator, Vol. 12, No. 1, 127-132, 1976; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 99-104, 1976 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht, Integral characteristics of a conduction-type AC machine, Vol. 10, No. 3, 125-130, 1974; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 348-352, 1974 [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach, Distribution of current density in the channel of an alternating-current conduction machine, Vol. 9, No. 1, 122-128, 1973; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 107-112, 1973 [Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

  • G. M. Gekht, A. I. El'kin and E. I. Yantovskii, Influence of a gas blast on certain characteristics of a magnetohydrodynamic generator, Vol. 8, No. 1, 97-103, 1972; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 8, No. 1, 86-91, 1972 [Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X