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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Magnetohydrodynamics 45, 4 (2009)
Special issue: Selected papers of the International Scientific Colloquium ``Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing'' Hannover, Germany, October 27--29, 2008
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E. Baake.
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.1]
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495 |
A. Noeppel,
O. Budenkova and
Y. Fautrelle.
Numerical investigation of the influence of forced convection induced by a travelling magnetic field during solidification of metallic alloys
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.2]
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497 |
A. Cramer,
X. Zhang and
G. Gerbeth.
Macroscopic thermomagnetic convection: a more generic case and optimization
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.3]
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505 |
Ch. Karcher and
V. Minchenya.
Control of free-surface instabilities during electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.4]
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511 |
D. Hectors,
E. Toorman and
K. Van Reusel.
Modelling of levitation melting using a Fixed Mesh Method
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.5]
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519 |
A. Rückert and
H. Pfeifer.
Mathematical modeling of the flow field, temperature distribution, melting and solidification in the electroslag remelting process
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.6]
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527 |
E. Sauvage,
A. Gagnoud,
Y. Fautrelle,
P. Brun and
J. Lacombe.
Thermoconvective flow of molten glass heated by direct induction in a cold crucible
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.7]
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535 |
K. Spragg,
A. Sneyd and
Y. Fautrelle.
Mathematical analysis of the oscillations of a liquid metal drop submitted to low frequency fields
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.8]
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543 |
K. Lācis,
A. Muiżnieks,
N. Jēkabsons,
A. Rudeviċs and
B. Nacke.
Unsteady 3D and analytical analysis of segregation process in floating zone silicon single crystal growth
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.9]
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549 |
O. Klein,
Ch. Lechner,
P.-É. Druet,
P. Philip,
J. Sprekels,
Ch. Frank-Rotsch,
F.-M. Kießling,
W. Miller,
U. Rehse and
P. Rudolph.
Numerical simulations of the influence of a traveling magnetic field, generated by an internal heater-magnet module, on liquid encapsulated Czochralski crystal growth
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.10]
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557 |
V. Minchenya,
Ch. Karcher,
Yu. Kolesnikov and
A. Thess.
Dry calibration of the Lorentz force flowmeter
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.11]
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569 |
G. Djambazov,
V. Bojarevics and
K. Pericleous.
Vacuum arc remelting time dependent modelling
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.12]
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579 |
D. Cepite,
A. Jakoviċs and
B. Halbedel.
Modelling convective and radiative heat transfer in a glass melting model crucible
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.13]
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587 |
V. Geza,
A. Jakoviċs,
B. Halbedel and
U. Krieger.
Crossed EM fields' driven weak conducting melt flow in an annular cylinder
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.14]
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595 |
A. Krauze,
A. Rudeviċs,
A. Muiżnieks,
A. Sabanskis,
N. Jēkabsons and
B. Nacke.
Unsteady 3D LES modeling of turbulent melt flow with AC travelling EM fields for a laboratory model of the CZ silicon crystal growth system
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.15]
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605 |
V. Frishfelds,
A. Jakoviċs,
B. Nacke and
E. Baake.
Diffusion limited growth-up of channels of ICF and its influence on integral flow through the channel
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.45.4.16]
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613 |