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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 33, 1 (1997)

General and theoretical problems


Vitalii Petrovich Polishchuk (1931 - 1996)
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

4 1

V. Shatrov, G. Mutschke and G. Gerbeth. Numerical simulation of the two-dimensional flow around a circular cylinder
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

5 2

T. Weier, G. Mutschke, G. Gerbeth, A. Alemany and A. Pilaud. On stability of the MHD flow around a cylinder in an aligned magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

16 11

G. S. Bezirgyan. Elements of technical theory of MHD flows of incompressible conducting fluid on channel with inclined bottom
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

25 19

V. V. Nadvoretskii and V. V. Sokolov. Ultrasound absorption in magnetic fluid containing ellipsoidal aggregates
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

30 25

Ph. Marty and L. Martin-Witkowski. Influence of magnetic field on the stability of a liquid metal layer
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

35 Absent

P. C. Fannin, T. Relihan and S. W. Charles. On the resonant frequency of ferrofluids subjected to a constant polarising field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

48 29

V. P. Shamota. Rotation of conducting fluid by electromagnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF.rus]

52 34

V. P. Shamota. Flow of conductive fluid caused by the action of rotating magnetic field in annual slot
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

56 38

S. Yu. Smolentsev. On the averaged model in calculations of MHD duct flows
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

60 42

A. Cebers. Stability of diffusion fronts of magnetic particles in porous media (Hele-Shaw cell) under the action of external magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

67 48

G. Bossis and A. Cebers. On the deformation of an aggregate of magnetorheological suspension in a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

75 56

J. Valdmanis, A. Shishko, Ya. W. Cho and J. D. Shim. The development of theoretical backgrounds for analysis of plane induction MHD-seal. I
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

81 63

Applied problems


I. E. Dmitriev and V. M. Polunin. Acoustical dispersion in the ferrofluidical iterferometer
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

96 76

J. Valdmanis and K. Sipin. Investigation of MHD-seal physical models that have channel with lyophilic and electrically conductive walls
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

100 80

M. Schott, L. Vekas, D. Bica, I. Potencz and V. Sofonea. On the deformation of an aggregate of magnetorheological suspension in a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

104 84

V. A. Golodnyak and P. F. Petik. Interaction between shaft and poles with magnetic fluid seal
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

108 88

G. Kronkalns, M. Maiorov and E. Blums. Preparation and properties of temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

112 92

Short communications


N. I. Aliev and V. Yu. Temlyantsev. The parametric unstability of conductive liquid s surface in the uniform field in the presence of plane surface parallel screen
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF.rus]

118 97

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X