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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnetohydrodynamics 43, 2 (2007)

Special issue: Selected papers of the International Scientific Colloquium ``Modelling for Material Processing'' Riga, Latvia, June 8-9, 2006

A. Jakoviċs. Preface
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.1]


M. Bullo, F. Dughiero, M. Forzan and S. Lupi. Laboratory prototype of the double frequency longitudinal electromagnetic levitator for levitation melting
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.2]


M. Kirpo, A. Jakoviċs, E. Baake and B. Nacke. Analysis of experimental and simulation data for the liquid metal flow in a cylindrical vessel
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.3]


M. Abricka, Yu. Gelfgat and J. Krūmiņš. The influence of combined electromagnetic fields on the heat and mass transfer in a cylindrical vessel with the melt
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.4]


M. Langejürgen and B. Nacke. Electromagnetic segregation of cast parts
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.5]


E. Golbraikh, A. Kapusta, B. Mikhailovich, Sh. Lesin and M. Khavkin. Modeling of the melt flow in continuous casting facilities
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.6]


D. Cepite, A. Jakoviċs, B. Halbedel and U. Krieger. Modelling of electromagnetic glass convection with temperature-dependent properties of the melt
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.7]


B. Nacke, M. Kudryash, T. Behrens, B. Niemann, D. Lopukh, A. Martynov and S. Chepluk. Induction skull melting of oxides and glasses in a cold crucible
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.8]


V. Frishfelds, A. Jakoviċs and B. Nacke. Simulation of the melting process of ZrO2-SiO2 in an inductor crucible
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.9]


I. Poznyak, A. Pechenkov and A. Shatunov. Electric conductivity measurement of oxides melts
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.10]


K. Dadzis, A. Muiżnieks, A. Rudeviċs, H. Riemann and A. Lüdge. Influence of melt motion on the shape of molten zone in the FZ crystal growth process
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.11]


A. Umbraško, E. Baake, B. Nacke and A. Jakoviċs. Numerical modelling of recirculated liquid metal flows in induction furnaces with the cold crucible
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.12]


A. Rudeviċs, A. Muiżnieks and B. Nacke. Development of specialized modelling tools for crystal growth processes with magnetic fields
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.13]


H. Kasjanow, A. Nikanorov, B. Nacke, H. Behnken, D. Franke and A. Seidl. Three dimensional coupled simulation of the induction heated EFG crystallization process
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.14]


A. Muiżnieks, A. Rudeviċs, K. Lācis, H. Riemann, A. Ludge, F. W. Schulze and B. Nacke. Square-shaped silicon crystal rod growth by the FZ method with special 3D shaped HF inductors
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.43.2.15]


Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X