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Author Index
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Author Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ b c k n z
A. Muiznieks
- A. Krauze,
A. Muiżnieks,
K. Bergfelds,
K. Janisels and
G. Chikvaidze,
Reduction of silicon crust on the crucible walls in silicon melt purifying processes with electron beam technology by means of low-frequency traveling magnetic fields,
Vol. 47, No. 4, 369-383, 2011 [Abstract]
- A. Muiżnieks,
K. Lācis,
A. Rudeviċs,
U. Lācis,
A. Sabanskis and
M. Plāte,
Development of numerical calculation of electromagnetic fields in FZ silicon crystal growth process,
Vol. 46, No. 4, 475-486, 2010 [Abstract]
- K. Lācis,
A. Muiżnieks,
A. Rudeviċs and
A. Sabanskis,
Influence of DC and AC magnetic fields on melt motion in FZ large Si crystal growth,
Vol. 46, No. 2, 199-218, 2010 [Abstract]
- A. Krauze,
A. Rudeviċs,
A. Muiżnieks,
A. Sabanskis,
N. Jēkabsons and
B. Nacke,
Unsteady 3D LES modeling of turbulent melt flow with AC travelling EM fields for a laboratory model of the CZ silicon crystal growth system,
Vol. 45, No. 4, 605-611, 2009 [Abstract]
- K. Lācis,
A. Muiżnieks,
N. Jēkabsons,
A. Rudeviċs and
B. Nacke,
Unsteady 3D and analytical analysis of segregation process in floating zone silicon single crystal growth,
Vol. 45, No. 4, 549-556, 2009 [Abstract]
- B. Nacke,
H. Kasjanow,
A. Krause,
A. Muiżnieks,
F.-M. Kiessling,
U. Rehse and
P. Rudolph,
Three-dimensional transient modeling of the melt flow in a TMF VCz system for GaAs crystal growth,
Vol. 45, No. 3, 317-324, 2009 [Abstract]
- A. Muiznieks,
K. Lacis and
B. Nacke,
3D unsteady modelling of the melt flow in the FZ silicon crystal growth process,
Vol. 43, No. 3, 377-386, 2007 [Abstract]
- A. Muiżnieks,
A. Rudeviċs,
K. Lācis,
H. Riemann,
A. Ludge,
F. W. Schulze and
B. Nacke,
Square-shaped silicon crystal rod growth by the FZ method with special 3D shaped HF inductors,
Vol. 43, No. 2, 269-282, 2007 [Abstract]
- A. Rudeviċs,
A. Muiżnieks and
B. Nacke,
Development of specialized modelling tools for crystal growth processes with magnetic fields,
Vol. 43, No. 2, 253-260, 2007 [Abstract]
- K. Dadzis,
A. Muiżnieks,
A. Rudeviċs,
H. Riemann and
A. Lüdge,
Influence of melt motion on the shape of molten zone in the FZ crystal growth process,
Vol. 43, No. 2, 229-242, 2007 [Abstract]
- W. von Ammon,
Yu. Gelfgat,
L. Gorbunov,
A. Mülbauer,
A. Muiżnieks,
Y. Makarov,
J. Virbulis and
G. Müller,
Application of magnetic fields in industrial growth of silicon single crystals,
Vol. 42, No. 4, 427-444, 2006 [Abstract]
- A. Krauze,
A. Muiżnieks,
L. Gorbunov and
A. Pedchenko,
Numerical modeling of 2D axisymmetric flow under the influence of DC EM field for industrial CZ silicon single crystal growth facilities,
Vol. 41, No. 2, 159-188, 2005 [Abstract]
- K. Lācis,
A. Muiżnieks and
G. Ratnieks,
3D mathematical model system for melt hydrodynamics in the silicon single crystal FZ-growth process with rotating magnetic field,
Vol. 41, No. 2, 147-158, 2005 [Abstract]
- A. Rudeviċs,
A. Muiżnieks,
G. Ratnieks and
H. Riemann,
3D modeling of the molten zone shape created by an asymmetric HF EM field during the FZ crystal growth process,
Vol. 41, No. 2, 123-146, 2005 [Abstract]
- K. Dadzis,
A. Muiżnieks,
A. Rudeviċs and
G. Ratnieks,
Precise calculations of the influence of HF EM forces on the melt hydrodynamics for FZ silicon single crystal growth,
Vol. 41, No. 2, 105-122, 2005 [Abstract]
- A. Muiżnieks,
Vol. 41, No. 2, 103-104, 2005 [Abstract]
- G. Ratnieks,
A. Muiznieks,
L. Buligins,
G. Raming and
A. A. Muhlbauer,
3D numerical analysis of the influence of EM and Marangoni forces on melt hydrodynamics and mass transport during FZ silicon crystal growth,
Vol. 35, No. 3, 278-293, 1999; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 35, No. 3, 223-236, 1999 [Abstract]
- A. Muizhnieks and
A. Yakovich,
Mathematical modeling of MHD flow and the characteristics of a centrifugal conduction pump,
Vol. 29, No. 4, 52-59, 1993; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 29, No. 4, 365-370, 1993 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks and
A. T. Yakovich,
An approximate boundary layer calculation of a rotating closed MHD flow,
Vol. 27, No. 3, 87-91, 1991; English translation: Approximate calculation of the boundary layer in rotating closed magnetohydrodynamic flows, Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 27, No. 3, 312-315, 1991 [Abstract]
- A. R. Muizhnieks and
A. T. Yakovich,
Numerical study of closed axisymmetric MHD-rotation in an axial magnetic field with mechanical interaction of azimuthal and meridional motions,
Vol. 24, No. 1, 55-60, 1988; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 24, No. 1, 50-54, 1988 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks,
V. I. Platonov,
L. A. Platonova and
A. T. Yakovich,
One-dimensional modeling of unsteady processes in a conduction centrifugal pump,
Vol. 23, No. 4, 107-112, 1987; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 23, No. 4, 439-443, 1987 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks,
V. I. Platonov,
L. A. Platonova and
A. T. Yakovich,
Effects of external magnetic-field patterns on the characteristics of a centrifugal conduction pump,
Vol. 23, No. 2, 109-111, 1987; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 23, No. 2, 208-210, 1987 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks,
V. I. Platonov,
L. A. Platonova and
Yu. A. Krylov,
Method of approximate calculation of the characteristics of a centrifugal conduction pump in a nonzero discharge regime,
Vol. 22, No. 4, 102-105, 1986; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 22, No. 4, 426-429, 1986 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks and
A. T. Yakovich,
Numerical study of MHD flow in a conduction centrifugal pump based on an axisymmetrical mathematical model II. Structure and integral characteristics of the flow,
Vol. 22, No. 1, 121-126, 1986; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 22, No. 1, 103-107, 1986 [PDF]
- A. R. Muizhnieks and
A. T. Yakovich,
Numerical study of MHD flow in a conduction centrifugal pump based on an axisymmetrical mathematical model. I. Model and computational procedure,
Vol. 21, No. 4, 117-121, 1985; English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 21, No. 4, 426-429, 1985 [PDF]