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Author Index
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Author Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ b c k n z
I. Kolesnichenko
- I. Kolesnichenko,
A. Mamykin,
E. Golbraikh and
A. Pavlinov,
Application of the temperature correlation method to measuring the flow rate of liquid sodium,
Vol. 57, No. 4, 547-558, 2021 [Abstract]
- G. Losev,
A. Mamykin and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Model of electromagnetic purification of liquid metal,
Vol. 57, No. 1, 73-84, 2021 [Abstract]
- V. Eltishchev,
G. Losev and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Oscillations of free surface of rotating liquid metal in a cylindrical cell,
Vol. 57, No. 1, 41-50, 2021 [Abstract]
- S. Mandrykin,
V. Ozernykh and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Electro-vortex flow of liquid metal in a cylindrical cell with localized current supply and variable aspect ratio,
Vol. 56, No. 2/3, 215-224, 2020 [Abstract]
- S. Mandrykin,
I. Kolesnichenko and
P. Frick,
Electrovortex flows generated by electrodes localized on the cylinder side wall,
Vol. 55, No. 1/2, 115-124, 2019 [Abstract]
- G. Losev,
E. Shvydkiy,
I. Sokolov,
A. Pavlinov and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Effective stirring of liquid metal by a modulated travelling magnetic field,
Vol. 55, No. 1/2, 107-114, 2019 [Abstract]
- G. Losev and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Structure of MHD vortex flows in a thin layer of liquid metal,
Vol. 55, No. 1/2, 97-106, 2019 [Abstract]
- G. Losev,
A. Mamykin and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Electromagnetic separation: concentration measurements,
Vol. 55, No. 1/2, 89-96, 2019 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
R. Khalilov,
A. Shestakov and
P. Frick,
ICMM's two-loop liquid sodium facility,
Vol. 52, No. 1/2, 87-94, 2016 [Abstract]
- A. Adamov,
S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
S. Khripchenko and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Experimental study of incorporation of reinforcing boron nitride particles into aliminum melt by MHD stirring at directional solodification,
Vol. 52, No. 1/2, 71-78, 2016 [Abstract]
- R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko,
A. Mamykin and
A. Pavlinov,
A combined liquid sodium flow measurement system,
Vol. 52, No. 1/2, 53-60, 2016 [Abstract]
- S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
S. Khripchenko and
I. Kolesnichenko,
The electrovortex centrifugal pump,
Vol. 52, No. 1/2, 25-34, 2016 [Abstract]
- V. Dolgikh and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Experimental study of a liquid metal MHD pump with a zigzag channel,
Vol. 51, No. 4, 709-720, 2015 [Abstract]
- A. Kapusta,
B. Mikhailovich,
S. Khripchenko and
I. Kolesnichenko,
On the prediction of the structure of ingots solidifying in RMF,
Vol. 51, No. 3, 473-484, 2015 [Abstract]
- A. Mamykin,
P. Frick,
R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko,
V. Pakholkov,
S. Rogozhkin and
A. Vasiliev,
Turbulent convective heat transfer in an inclined tube with liquid sodium,
Vol. 51, No. 2, 329-336, 2015 [Abstract]
- R. Khalilov and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Annular linear induction pump for liquid sodium,
Vol. 51, No. 1, 95-104, 2015 [Abstract]
- S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
S. Khripchenko,
I. Kolesnichenko and
I. Nikulin,
The effect of travelling and rotating magnetic fields on the structure of aluminum alloy during its crystallization in a cylindrical crucible,
Vol. 50, No. 4, 407-422, 2014 [Abstract]
- P. Oborin and
I. Kolesnichenko,
Application of the ultrasonic doppler velocimeter for study the flow and solidification processes in an electrically conducting fluid,
Vol. 49, No. 1/2, 231-236, 2013 [Abstract]
- S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko and
S. Khripchenko,
The MHD traveling magnetic field pump for liquid magnesium,
Vol. 49, No. 1/2, 223-230, 2013 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
Investigation of electromagnetic force action on two-phase electrically conducting media in flat layer,
Vol. 49, No. 1/2, 217-222, 2013 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
A. Pavlinov and
R. Khalilov,
Movement of solid-liquid interface in gallium alloy under the action of rotating magnetic field,
Vol. 49, No. 1/2, 191-199, 2013 [Abstract]
- R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko and
R. Stepanov,
Magnetic field advection in liquid sodium flow in toroidal channel,
Vol. 49, No. 1/2, 73-80, 2013 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
R. Khalilov,
S. Khripchenko and
A. Pavlinov,
MHD-stirrer for cylindrical molds of continuous casting machines fabricated aluminium alloy,
Vol. 48, No. 1, 221-234, 2012 [Abstract]
- S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko and
S. Khripchenko,
Pumping effect in Y- and Ψ-shaped channels with Π-haped cores
Vol. 48, No. 1, 197-202, 2012 [Abstract]
- E. Golbraikh,
A. Kapusta,
B. Tilman and
I. Kolesnichenko,
The effect of structural parameters on the process of metal stirring by rotating magnetic field,
Vol. 48, No. 1, 77-82, 2012 [Abstract]
- S. Khripchenko,
R. Khalilov,
I. Kolesnichenko,
S. Denisov,
V. Galindo and
G. Gerbeth,
Numerical and experimental modeling of various MHD induction pumps,
Vol. 46, No. 1, 85-98, 2010 [Abstract]
- S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh,
I. Kolesnichenko,
R. Khalilov,
S. Khripchenko,
G. Verhille,
N. Plihon and
J.-F. Pinton,
Flow of liquid metal in a cylindrical crystallizer generating two-directional MHD-stirring,
Vol. 46, No. 1, 69-78, 2010 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko and
P. Frick,
Conducting fluid flow in a helical magnetic field,
Vol. 45, No. 2, 165-172, 2009 [Abstract]
- S. Khripchenko,
I. Kolesnichenko and
V. Dolgikh,
Pumping effect in a flat MHD channel with an electrovortex flow,
Vol. 44, No. 3, 303-314, 2008 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
R. Khalilov and
S. Khripchenko,
Vortical flow of conducting fluid driven by an alternating magnetic field in a plane channel,
Vol. 43, No. 1, 45-52, 2007 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko,
S. Khripchenko,
D. Buchenau and
G. Gerbeth,
Electro-vortex flows in a square layer of liquid metal,
Vol. 41, No. 1, 39-51, 2005 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko and
S. Khripchenko,
Surface instability of the plane layer of conducting liquid,
Vol. 39, No. 4, 427-434, 2003 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko and
S. Khripchenko,
Mathematical simulation of hydrodynamical processes in the centrifugal MHD pump,
Vol. 38, No. 4, 391-398, 2002 [Abstract]
- I. Kolesnichenko and
S. Khripchenko,
MHD-instability of the equilibrium state of the surface of a conductive liquid thin layer.,
Vol. 37, No. 4, 360-365, 2001 [Abstract]