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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Magnetohydrodynamics 53, 2 (2017)
Special issue:
Selected papers of the 10th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD Pamir 2016, Cagliari, Italia, June 20--24, 2016.
Applied MHD
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D. Hernández,
T. Boeck,
C. Karcher and
T. Wondrak.
Numerical calibration of a multicomponent local Lorentz force flowmeter
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.2]
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233 |
D. Musaeva,
E. Baake,
V. Ilin and
G. Jarczyk.
Analysis of the AlMgSi-alloy structure formed under the influence of low-frequency pulsed Lorentz force
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.3]
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245 |
S. Carcangiu,
R. Forcinetti and
A. Montisci.
Simulink model of an iductive MHD generator
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.4]
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255 |
E. Sauvage,
P. Brun,
J. Lacombe and
L. Aufore.
3D simulation of a 500 kg UO2 melt in a cold crucible induction furnace
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.5]
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267 |
S. Khripchenko,
S. Lekomtsev,
S. Denisov,
V. Dolgikh and
A. Pavlinov.
Laboratory model of the aluminum furnace with mhd stirring induced by a rod-like inductor generating a travelling magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.6]
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273 |
A. Tatuļċenkovs,
A. Jakoviċs,
E. Baake and
B. Nacke.
Numerical simulation of bubble flow in electroconducting liquids by the lattice Boltzmann method
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.7]
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281 |
J. Etay,
A. Diarra,
A. Gagnoud,
Ch. Garnier,
S. Massucci,
M. Al Amir,
A. Sulpice and
S. Rivoirard.
Measuring thermal conductivity and heat capacity of molten metallic alloys by electromagnetic levitation in DC field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.8]
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289 |
D. Kutyła,
K. Kołczyk,
R. Kowalik and
P. Żabiński.
Modification of Mo-Se layers electrochemically synthesized in a strong magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.9]
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A. M. Białostocka,
U. Klekotka,
P. Żabiński and
B. Kalska-Szostko.
Microstructure evolution of Fe/Ni layers deposited by electroplating under an applied magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.10]
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309 |
I. Mogi,
R. Aogaki and
K. Takahashi.
Chiral surface formation in magnetoelectrolysis on micro-electrodes
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.11]
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321 |
A. Alemany,
R. Forcinetti,
F. Masson and
A. Montisci.
FEM analysis of the inflation process of Magnetoplasma Sails
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.12]
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Liquid metal technology
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T. Richter,
O. Keplinger,
E. Strumpf,
T. Wondrak,
K. Eckert,
S. Eckert and
S. Odenbach.
Measurements of the diameter of rising gas bubbles by means of the ultrasound transit time technique
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.18]
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C. Kasprzyk,
E. Kaplan,
M. Seilmayer and
F. Stefani.
Transitions in a magnetized quasi-laminar spherical Couette flow
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.19]
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Z. Lei,
D. Raebiger,
S. Eckert and
K. Eckert.
Liquid metal based magnetic cooling: velocity measurements
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.20]
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S. Smolentsev,
M. Abdou,
C. Courtessole,
G. Pulugundla,
F-C. Li,
N. Morley,
R. Munipalli,
P. Huang,
C. Kaczynski,
J. Young,
T. Rhodes and
Y. Yan.
Review of recent MHD activities for liquid metal blankets in the US
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.21]
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I. Bucenieks,
E. Platacis,
O. Mikanovskis,
A. Zik and
V. Mehta.
Helical type EM induction pump with permanently magnetized rotor for high pressure heads
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.22]
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423 |
Geun Hyeong Lee and
Hee Reyoung Kim.
Numerical investigation and comparison of the rectangular, cylindrical, and helical-type dc electromagnetic pumps
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.2.23]
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