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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnetohydrodynamics 53, 4 (2017)

Special issue:

Selected papers of the 8th International Scientific Colloquium ``Modelling for Materials Processing'' (MMP 2017), Riga, Latvia, September 21--22, 2017.

A. Jakoviċs and J. Virbulis. PREFACE
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.1]


F. Sarapulov, I. Smolyanov, F. Tarasov, K. Bolotin and E. Shvydkiy. Numerical simulation of double side linear induction pump for liquid magnesium
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.2]


S. Renaudière de Vaux, R. Zamansky, W. Bergez, Ph. Tordjeman, V. Bouyer and J.-F. Haquet. Influence of skin depth on convective heat transfer in induction heating
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.3]


N. Tran, T. Boeck, U. Lüdtke, Z. Lyu and C. Karcher. Numerical study of the interaction between a bubble rising in a column of conducting liquid and a permanent magnet
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.4]


S. Spitans, H. Franz, E. Baake and A. Jakoviċs. Large-scale levitation melting and casting of titanium alloys
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.5]


J. Venċels, A. Jakoviċs and V. Geża. Simulation of 3D MHD with free surface using Open-Source EOF-Library: levitating liquid metal in an alternating electromagnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.6]


Z. Lyu, T. Boeck, C. Karcher and A. Thess. Electromagnetic interaction between a permanent magnet and laminar flow of a moving sphere in a conducting liquid
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.7]


R. Guichou, P. Tordjeman, W. Bergez, R. Zamansky and K. Paumel. Experimental study of bubble detection in liquid metal
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.8]


V. Bojarevics and A. Tucs. Large scale liquid metal batteries
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.9]


H. Kalis, M. Marinaki, L. Ozola, U. Strautiņš, I. Barmina and M. Zaķe. Mathematical modelling on electromagnetic field control of the combustion process
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.10]


J. Barglik and A. Smagór. Mathematical modelling of induction stirring of liquid metal in crucible furnace
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.11]


E. Shvydkiy, V. Zaharov, K. Bolotin, I. Smolyanov and S. Sarapulov. Numerical modeling of the travelling magnetic field stirrer for liquid lithium
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.12]


K. Surovovs, M. Plāte and J. Virbulis. Modelling of phase boundaries and melt flow in crucible-free silicon crystal growth using high-frequency heating
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.13]


K. Bolotin, I. Smolyanov, E. Shvydkiy, V. Frizen and S. Bychkov. Numerical simulation of the electromagnetic stirrer adapted by using magnetodielectric composite
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.14]


V. Dzelme, A. Jakoviċs and I. Bucenieks. Numerical modelling of a real rotating permanent magnet based electromagnetic induction pump
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.15]


Ch. Karcher and D. Hernández. Dynamics of falling liquid metal droplets and jets affected by a strong magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.16]


A. Chudnovsky. Physical modelling of 3D melt mixing for electrometallurgical aggregates
[Abstract] [PDF] [ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.53.4.17]


Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X