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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 9, 1 (1973)
General and theoretical problems
| | Rus. | En. |
Ch. Hartmann and
E. Sanchez-Palencia.
Limiting behavior of a certain class of MHD flows in a strong magnetic field
| |
3 |
1 |
A. B. Tsinober and
P. G. Shtern.
Experimental investigation of the pressure distribution for constrained MHD flow past cylinders
| |
12 |
9 |
G. N. Abramovich,
D. S. Kovner,
A. Ya. Kolpakov and
V. G. Lushchik.
Effects of a magnetic field on a turbulent flow with shear
| |
19 |
15 |
A. V. Volkov.
The effects of a magnetic field on the turbulence behind a grating
| |
26 |
21 |
V. F. Tul'vert.
Energy balance equation for turbulent fluctuations in the theory of MHD flows in channels and tubes
| |
33 |
27 |
V. I. Merkulov.
Motion of a sphere in a conducting liquid under the influence of crossed electric and magnetic fields
| |
38 |
31 |
V. I. Merkulov,
V. F. Tkachenko and
V. I. Yatsenko.
Periodic flows of a conducting liquid in a traveling magnetic field
| |
43 |
36 |
Yu. E. Karyakin,
V. E. Karyakin and
T. V. Demidova.
Application of the method of characteristics to the solution of the universal equation for a plane boundary layer in a conducting fluid
| |
49 |
42 |
A. M. Makarov,
L. K. Martinson,
V. R. Romanovskii and
S. L. Simkovich.
Electrodynamic flow of a viskoplastic fluid
| |
56 |
48 |
E. N. Mozgovoi,
E. Ya. Blum and
A. O. Tsebers.
Ferromagnetic fluid flow in a magnetic field
| |
61 |
52 |
E. E. Bibik,
B. Ya. Matygullin,
Yu. L. Raikher and
M. I. Shliomis.
Magnetostatic properties of magnetite colloids
| |
68 |
58 |
A. B. Isers and
I. E. Tarapov.
Flow of a magnetized liquid between parallel plates
| |
73 |
63 |
A. I. Bertinov,
L. K. Kovalev,
S. M.-A. Koneev and
V. N. Poltavets.
Laminar stratified flow of conducting fluid in annular channels with high MHD interaction parameters
| |
79 |
68 |
L. P. Gorbachev and
Yu. E. Savchenko.
Generation of a magnetosonic signal by a pulse of acoustic waves in an anisotropically conducting medium
| |
85 |
74 |
Engineering problems
Brief communications
| | Rus. | En. |
A. S. Pleshanov and
A. L. Tseskis.
Interaction between a magnetic field and a turbulent conducting fluid
| |
135 |
119 |
A. S. Pleshanov and
A. L. Tseskis.
Two-dimensional turbulence in a magnetic field
| |
137 |
122 |
Yu. M. Gel'fgat,
D. E. Peterson and
A. B. Tsinober.
Velocity structure of a flow in a magnetic field periodically varying along the flow
| |
139 |
125 |
E. I. Dobychin.
Effect of crossed electric and magnetic fields on the oscillations of liquid-metal drops
| |
142 |
128 |
V. I. Legeida.
An obstacle-flow problem in magnetohydrodynamics
| |
145 |
132 |
A. M. Makarov,
L. K. Martinson,
M. R. Romanovskii and
S. L. Simkovich.
Electrohydrodynamic flow of a non-newtonian fluid in a circular pipe
| |
148 |
135 |
V. I. Popov and
S. N. Terekhin.
Effect of orientation of particles of a dispersed phase of moving emulsions on the conductivity
| |
150 |
138 |
Yu. A. Bakanov,
L. M. Dronnik,
M. N. Levin,
V. K. Makarevich,
L. M. Reshet'ko,
V. E. Strizhak,
I. M. Tolmach,
S. R. Troitskii and
E. I. Yantovskii.
Experimental investigation of a liquid-metal induction-type machine under pumping conditions
| |
153 |
141 |
V. I. Chesonis and
Z. K. Yankauskas.
The longitudinal edge effect in the inductor of a magnetohydrodynamic machine with a single core
| |
155 |
144 |