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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579

Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika 9, 1 (1973)

General and theoretical problems


Ch. Hartmann and E. Sanchez-Palencia. Limiting behavior of a certain class of MHD flows in a strong magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

3 1

A. B. Tsinober and P. G. Shtern. Experimental investigation of the pressure distribution for constrained MHD flow past cylinders
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

12 9

G. N. Abramovich, D. S. Kovner, A. Ya. Kolpakov and V. G. Lushchik. Effects of a magnetic field on a turbulent flow with shear
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

19 15

A. V. Volkov. The effects of a magnetic field on the turbulence behind a grating
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

26 21

V. F. Tul'vert. Energy balance equation for turbulent fluctuations in the theory of MHD flows in channels and tubes
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

33 27

V. I. Merkulov. Motion of a sphere in a conducting liquid under the influence of crossed electric and magnetic fields
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

38 31

V. I. Merkulov, V. F. Tkachenko and V. I. Yatsenko. Periodic flows of a conducting liquid in a traveling magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

43 36

Yu. E. Karyakin, V. E. Karyakin and T. V. Demidova. Application of the method of characteristics to the solution of the universal equation for a plane boundary layer in a conducting fluid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

49 42

A. M. Makarov, L. K. Martinson, V. R. Romanovskii and S. L. Simkovich. Electrodynamic flow of a viskoplastic fluid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

56 48

E. N. Mozgovoi, E. Ya. Blum and A. O. Tsebers. Ferromagnetic fluid flow in a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

61 52

E. E. Bibik, B. Ya. Matygullin, Yu. L. Raikher and M. I. Shliomis. Magnetostatic properties of magnetite colloids
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

68 58

A. B. Isers and I. E. Tarapov. Flow of a magnetized liquid between parallel plates
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

73 63

A. I. Bertinov, L. K. Kovalev, S. M.-A. Koneev and V. N. Poltavets. Laminar stratified flow of conducting fluid in annular channels with high MHD interaction parameters
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

79 68

L. P. Gorbachev and Yu. E. Savchenko. Generation of a magnetosonic signal by a pulse of acoustic waves in an anisotropically conducting medium
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

85 74

Engineering problems


A. I. Vol'dek and E. V. Tolvinskaya. Effect of gradation of the linear load of the end zones of an inductor on the longitudinal edge effect in induction machines
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

90 79

A. I. Vol'dek, A. V. Karasev and A. I. Kienko. Engineering method for calculating the parameters of the secondary medium in the conversion schemes of flat linear induction-type magnetohydrodynamic machines with lateral bus bars
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

99 85

R. K. Gorn, V. P. Polishchuk, V. I. Shekhovtsov and V. S. Yakovlev. Investigation of velocity and pressure fields in a magnetodynamic pump
[Abstract] [PDF] [PDF]

105 91

S. S. Katsnel'son. Efficiency of an induction MHD generator with conductivity waves
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

111 98

V. A. Golodnyak, A. E. Sinel'nikova and I. M. Tolmach. Powerful direct-current conduction pump with an increased operating voltage
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

117 103

G. M. Gekht and I. M. Tolmach. Distribution of current density in the channel of an alternating-current conduction machine
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

122 107

I. M. Al'-Nasan and L. P. Terekhov. Radial MHD bearing with a floating bushing
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

129 113

Brief communications


A. S. Pleshanov and A. L. Tseskis. Interaction between a magnetic field and a turbulent conducting fluid
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

135 119

A. S. Pleshanov and A. L. Tseskis. Two-dimensional turbulence in a magnetic field
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

137 122

Yu. M. Gel'fgat, D. E. Peterson and A. B. Tsinober. Velocity structure of a flow in a magnetic field periodically varying along the flow
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

139 125

E. I. Dobychin. Effect of crossed electric and magnetic fields on the oscillations of liquid-metal drops
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

142 128

V. I. Legeida. An obstacle-flow problem in magnetohydrodynamics
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

145 132

A. M. Makarov, L. K. Martinson, M. R. Romanovskii and S. L. Simkovich. Electrohydrodynamic flow of a non-newtonian fluid in a circular pipe
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

148 135

V. I. Popov and S. N. Terekhin. Effect of orientation of particles of a dispersed phase of moving emulsions on the conductivity
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

150 138

Yu. A. Bakanov, L. M. Dronnik, M. N. Levin, V. K. Makarevich, L. M. Reshet'ko, V. E. Strizhak, I. M. Tolmach, S. R. Troitskii and E. I. Yantovskii. Experimental investigation of a liquid-metal induction-type machine under pumping conditions
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

153 141

V. I. Chesonis and Z. K. Yankauskas. The longitudinal edge effect in the inductor of a magnetohydrodynamic machine with a single core
[Abstract] [PDF.eng] [PDF]

155 144

Copyright: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Printed edition ISSN 0024-998X