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Electronic edition ISSN 1574-0579
Magnetohydrodynamics 49, 3/4 (2013)
Special issue: Selected papers of the 13th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids ``ICMF-13'', New Delhi, India, January 7--11, 2013
Synthesis and Characterization
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D. Vanidha,
A. Arunkumar,
S. Rajagopan and
R. Kannan.
Enhancement of magnetization with decreased coercivity in nickel doped cobalt ferrite by coating with oleic acid
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.2]
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259 |
M. Rajnak,
M. Timko,
L. Tomco,
K. Marton,
J. Kurimsky,
B. Dolnik,
R. Cimbala,
M. Molcan and
P. Kopċanský.
Dielectric properties of magnetic fluids based on transformer oil ITO 100 in a high frequency electric field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.3]
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265 |
C. N. Marin,
P. C. Fannin,
K. Raj and
V. Socoliuc.
Magneto-dielectric spectroscopy of magnetic fluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.4]
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270 |
S. K. Barala,
M. Arora,
Chandni Puri,
K. K. Saini,
R. K. Kotnala and
P. K. Saini.
Ferrofluid/activated carbon composites for water purification and EMI shielding applications
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.5]
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277 |
M. Kubovċikova,
I. Antal,
M. Koneracka,
V. Závišová,
A. Jurikova,
K. Siposova,
Z. Gazova,
J. Kovaċ,
M. Kovarik,
D. Kupka and
P. Kopċanský.
Magnetic nanoparticles modified with polyethylene glycol
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.6]
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282 |
A. O. Ivanov,
O. B. Kuznetsova and
I. M. Subbotin.
Magnetic properties of ferrofluid emulsions: the effect of droplet elongation
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.7]
| |
287 |
L. Melnikova,
Z. Mitroova,
M. Timko,
J. Kovaċ,
M. Koralewski,
M. Pochylski,
M. V. Avdeev,
V. I. Petrenko,
V. M. Garamus,
L. Almasy and
P. Kopċanský.
Physical characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles in magnetoferritin
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.8]
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293 |
E. Pyanzina.
Bidisperse ferrofluids with chain aggregates: microstructure and macroscopic properties
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.9]
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297 |
A. Kumar and
M. S. Yadav.
Synthesis and characterization of Gd3+ ion-doped MnZn ferrite nanoparticles
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.10]
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301 |
Yu. B. Kazakov,
I. M. Arefyev and
T. A. Arefyeva.
Investigation of magnetic fluid colloidal and thermal stability
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.11]
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306 |
A. Shankar,
M. Chand,
S. Kumar,
V. N. Singh,
G. A. Basheed,
S. Thakur and
R. P. Pant.
Spin resonance investigations on water-based magnetite ferrofluid
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.12]
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310 |
G. S. Shahane,
K. V. Zipare and
R. P. Pant.
Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for ferrofluid application
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.13]
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317 |
V. Kumar,
A. Rana and
O. P. Thakur.
Investigations on structural and electrical properties of La3+ doped Ni0.5Zn0.5LaxFe2−xO4 nanoparticles
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.14]
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322 |
B. Frka-Petesic,
E. Dubois,
L. Almasy,
V. Dupuis,
F. Cousin and
R. Perzynski.
Structural probing of clusters and gels of self-aggregated magnetic nanoparticles
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.15]
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328 |
Design and Preparation of Magnetic Fluid
Physics of Ferrofluid
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S. Sudo,
M. Shinozaki and
H. Nishiyama.
The dynamic behaviour of magnet-magnetic fluid systems in alternating magnetic fields
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.17]
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344 |
A. S. Vinogradova,
V. A. Naletova,
V. A.Turkov and
A. G. Reks.
Influence of apex angles of limiting conic surfaces on the hysteresis of the shape of a magnetic fluid drop on a line conductor
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.18]
| |
350 |
W. Gault,
Y. Iwamoto,
X.-D. Niu,
F. Magoules and
H. Yamaguchi.
Magnetic ejection effect under uniform magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.19]
| |
355 |
E. Blūms,
V. Šints,
A. Meżulis and
G. Kroņkalns.
New problems of mass transport in magnetic fluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.20]
| |
360 |
Y. Fujita,
A. Isnikurniawan,
S. Tanimoto and
T. Sawada.
Ultrasonic characteristics of a magnetic fluid under compressive force
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.21]
| |
368 |
Huei Chu Weng,
Jun-Yu Zhang and
Chieh-Li Chen.
Influence of magnetic forces on the magnetic fluid pendant drop profile
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.22]
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372 |
S. C. Bhatt and
Om Prakash Nautiyal.
Ultrasonic study of ferrofluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.23]
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377 |
Kruti Shah and
R. V. Upadhyay.
Influence of ultrasonic frequency on field induced hysteresis phenomena observed in magnetic fluid
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.24]
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381 |
T. I. Volkova,
V. A. Naletova and
V. A. Turkov.
Magnetic fluid volume between horizontal plates in the field of an electromagnetic coil
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.25]
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386 |
Free Surface Phenomena
Heat and Mass Transfer
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A. Józefczak,
A. Hashim,
M. Molcan,
T. Hornowski,
A. Skumiel,
M. Rajnak,
P. Kopčanský and
M. Timko.
Elastic properties of bacterial magnetite nanoparticles suspension
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.30]
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411 |
A. Mežulis,
E. Blūms,
M. Maiorov and
A. Līckrastiņa.
Sedimentation of interacting nanoparticles
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.31]
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416 |
M. Krichler and
S. Odenbach.
Investigation of the effect of a magnetic field on the thermal conductivity in magnetic fluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.32]
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421 |
D. Zablotsky and
E. Blūms.
Enhancement of mass transfer through convective symmetry breaking in photoabsorptive concentration gratings in thin ferrofluid layers
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.33]
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425 |
A. Isnikurniawan,,
Y. Fujita,
S. Tanimoto and
T. Sawada.
Investigation of ultrasonic properties of MR fluid under various sweep rates of magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.34]
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430 |
Ji-Ching Lai,
Chia-Chun Tang and
Chin-Yih Hong.
Motion of bio-functionalized magnetic nanoparticle clusters under a rotating magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.35]
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434 |
C. E. Nanjundappa and
B Vijay Kumar.
Penetrative ferroconvection via internal heating in a ferrofluid anisotropic porous medium
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.36]
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441 |
H. Yamaguchi and
Y. Iwamoto.
Heat transport with temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid for application to micro-cooling device
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.37]
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448 |
C. E. Nanjundappa and
R. Nataraj.
Thermal convective instability in a micropolar ferromagnetic fluid saturated porous layer heated from below
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.38]
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454 |
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C. E. Nanjundappa and
B. Savitha.
Effect of temperature dependent viscosity on the ferroconvection onset in a ferrofluid saturated porous medium
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.39]
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461 |
J. Popp,
I. Zeidis,
K. Zimmermann,
V. Böhm,
V. A. Naletova,
V. A. Turkov,
D. A. Pelevina and
A. V. Rozin.
Enhanced deformation of magnetizable fluids for efficiency increase of ferrofluid based locomotion systems
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.40]
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468 |
L. Sprenger,
A. Lange and
S. Odenbach.
Influence of thermodiffusive particle transport on thermomagnetic convection in magnetic fluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.41]
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473 |
Injamamul Arief and
P. K. Mukhopadhyay.
Fabrication and viscoelastic properties of PVC coated magnetite agglomerates in magneto-rheological suspension
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.42]
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479 |
O. P. Nautiyal and
S. C. Bhatt.
Rheological study and applications of ferrofluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.43]
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484 |
M. Chand,
S. Kumar,
A. Shankar,
Sonia and Komal Jain,
S. Singh and
R. P. Pant.
The effect of size distribution on viscoelastic properties of ferrofluid
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.44]
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489 |
Complex Fluid and Soft Magnetic Matters
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T. Oyamada,
H. Masuda,
K. Ikari and
T. Sawada.
Damping characteristics of semi-active tuned liquid column damper with a magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.49]
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516 |
S. Kaneko,
T. Ishiyama,
S. Takemoto and
T. Sawada.
Effect of a magnetic field on sloshing in a two-layer fluid
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.50]
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520 |
Y. Mitamura,
T. Yano,
W. Nakamura and
E. Okamoto.
A magnetic fluid seal for rotary blood pumps: behaviors of magnetic fluids in a magnetic fluid seal with a shield
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.51]
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525 |
Renu Bajaj.
On the stability of the heated plane Poiseuille flow in magnetic fluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.52]
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530 |
D. A. Pelevina,
V. A. Naletova and
V. A. Turkov.
The behaviour of a magnetic fluid covered with an impermeable film in a non-uniform magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.53]
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536 |
K. Gitter and
S. Odenbach.
Simulation of magnetic drug targeting for a branched artery-model with non-Newtonian flow behaviour of blood
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.54]
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541 |
S. Khushrushahi,
M. Zahn and
T. A. Hatton.
Magnetic separation method for oil spill cleanup
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.55]
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546 |
S. Dürr,
R. Tietze,
S. Lyer,
C. Janko,
E. Schreiber,
J. Mann,
R. Turcu,
K. Gitter,
S. Odenbach,
S. Vasylyev,
M. Herrmann,
W. Peukert and
C. Alexiou.
Characterizations of drug carrying magnetic nanoparticles for tumor therapy: biological outcome and first immunological aspects
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.56]
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552 |
K. Siposova,
M. Kubovċikova,
Z. Bednarikova,
M. Koneracka,
V. Závišová,
P. Kopċanský and
Z. Gazova.
MFBSAs as therapeutic agents targeting insulin amyloidosis
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.57]
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560 |
D. Zablotsky.
On the presence of magnetoconvection in extended photo-absorptive microstructures in ferrofluid layers
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.58]
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564 |
K. Raj,
Y. Hirota and
T. Black.
Current and emerging applications of ferrofluids
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.59]
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568 |
V. Singh and
M. Sharma.
Light intensity measurements of colloidal stability of Fe3O4 particles in aqueous suspensions for biomedical applications
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.60]
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582 |
P. Kopċanský,
N. Tomašoviċová,
T. Tóth-Katona,
N. Éber,
M. Timko,
V. Závišová,
J. Majorošová,
M. Rajňak,
J. Jadzyn and
X. Chaud.
Increasing the magnetic sensitivity of liquid crystals by rod-like magnetic nanoparticles
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.61]
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586 |
V. Bashtovoi,
A. Motsar,
V. Naletova,
A. Reks and
D. Pelevina.
Free surface of magnetic fluid with a spherical ferromagnetic body in a uniform magnetic field
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.62]
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592 |
N. Umehara,
T. Kusumi and
Y. Akagami.
Magnetic and electric field assisted polishing for the control of the distribution of abrasives
[ DOI: 10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.63]
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596 |
Young Scientist Awardees